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CHAPTER FIVE: don't listen

That night everybody went home but i stayed the night at the Chateau. We needed each other at the moment, John B and i.

John B went straight to bed, he couldn't think of anything except the compass. I doubt he will sleep tonight. I ate a snack then changed into some of John B's clothes.

"i?" John B called out for me.

"Yeah?" i answered.

"Can you sleep with me tonight?" he called from his bedroom.

John B and i have slept in the same bed more times than i can count. He was my brother and we grew up together. We had so many sleep overs when we were younger.

"I'm coming." i called to him before walking into the room.

He was curled up, on his bed, in his blanket with the compass in his hand.


"Hm" he hummed.

"You gotta get some sleep." i walked over and took the compass from his hand and sat it in his nightstand.

"Fine." he chuckled as he pulled me into his bed.

"Jesus's JB." i laughed as i rolled over him. "I'm fragile, be careful."

I curled into his chest as he held me tightly and soon drifted off to sleep.


The next morning i heard a loud banging in the door, something about DCF. I chose to ignore it considering i was really tired and shoved my head into a pillow.

Next thing i know, JJ is walking in the room and laid on top of me.

"Good morning J." i said in a low voice letting out a sigh as i played with the boy's hair.

"Morning i." he said in a low voice because apparently my hair rubs are "mesmerizing".

"Yo dude, get off my sister and come on." John B said walking into the room.


We were in the van, JJ and John B in the front and me chilling in the back by myself. We were heading to Ms.Lana's house to ask if she knew why Scooter had Big John's compass. I have no idea what the boys were talking about considering i was zoned out half the time but i did catch part of the conversation.

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with Kiara." JJ stated to John B. "She clearly likes you. She's like, 'Oh, John B.'"

"Is that what she does?" John B raised his eyebrows.

"She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you." JJ continued to explain to John B.

"She kissed me on the cheek. It's not like we were makin' out. Low-hanging fruit, bro." John B quickly said.

"Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, 'I kinda like that,' and you start blushing." JJ chuckled.

"I blush?"

"When are you gonna swoop on that?" JJ asked JB.

"When are you?" John B reversed the question.
My heart just sank to my stomach.

"Come on bro you know i don't like Kie like that." JJ quickly responded.

"That's not who i meant." JB concluded. After that neither of them said anything.

"Pope likes her, dumbass." i whispered. John B didn't hear but i'm assuming JJ did since he quickly jerked his head back looking at me.
I just smiled and shot him a quick wink.

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