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Hi everybody! This is the first fanfiction I have written! I will try to post regularly, but no promises! This story is a Percy Jackson and Mortal Instruments crossover I might add stuff from other series by the same authors.  Everything but the plot belongs to Rick Riordan and Cassandra Clare.

POV Nico DiAngelo

I had convinced Chiron to let me and Will leave camp to go on a date.  I was waiting on the hill for Will to show up and spot him running towards me, he yelled, "Hey Neeks! I'm ready to go!"

"Ok, grab my hand so I can shadow travel us there," I responded

He grabbed my hand and my shadow traveled us to an alleyway right by the park.

"Hey look there's an ice cream stand over there!" Will told me.

We started walking over there, I got chocolate and he got vanilla.  I watched as he accidentally got some ice cream on his nose.  I let out a small laugh, he looked so adorable with it on his face.  I reached up and wiped it off his nose and he then leaned in and gave me a peck on my chocolate covered lips I laughed into his lips when he did.  I guess this is what happiness felt like.  After losing my mom and Bianca I thought it was over until I got a new family and we might not be related by blood but gods did I love them. 

We started on the trail around the park, I soon realized that the sun was starting to go down and heard a noise nearby in the woods I turned to Will and said "I think there's a monster over in the woods, want to go check?"

"It could just be an animal." He said I knew he said it because he wanted to keep the fun going. The next thing I know there is a giant monster right behind, I've never seen any monster like this one I yell out to Will,

"Did you bring your bow and arrows?"

"No, I didn't expect to get attacked so I only brought a small knife!"

"Try your whistle then maybe it will stun it!"

I plug my ears as he does his ungodly loud taxi cab whistle, the monster barely reacts and at this point, I'm wondering if we'll be able to defeat it.  I take out my sword and stand in a fighting position when the monster claws me and a searing pain runs through my leg.  I hear Will shout my name from beside me when my vision starts to fade out my knees begin to give out and I see a group of people in all black fighting the monster that just clawed me.

461 words
I know this chapter is short I swear the next one will be longer but enjoy the cliff hanger!

A Necromancer? (A PJO and TMI Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now