A Monster?

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Hi everybody this is the second chapter! I hope you are liking the story so far! The only thing that's mine is the plot, the rest belongs to Rick Riordan and Cassandra Clare. 


Alec Lightwood-Bane POV

We had all decided to head to the park since it was our day off.  I could hear Simon explaining the plot of some movie, I think he called it Sun Wars? Something like that.  Jace and Clary had gone off to walk around the pond while Rafe and I were playing soccer and Magnus and Max were making some flower crowns under a tree.

I suddenly spotted a Shax demon behind two teens, I grabbed Rafe's hand yelled out for Magnus to take Rafe and Max somewhere safe, Jace and Izzy heard me yelling and soon spotted the Shax demons as well.  I saw one of the boys, the one with darker hair get clawed and start to fall the blond one shouted what I assume was the one who fell's name. 

Me, Jace, Clary, Izzy, and Simon all start running over to the demon. The blond one was trying to fight the demon while keeping an eye on his friend.  I drew my bow and shot the demon hitting it in the leg causing it to trip.  The blond-haired boy looked surprised but I guess he realized we could handle it and ran over to his friend.  Jace and Clary, were on opposite sides slicing at the demon with their seraph blades.

I drew another arrow letting it go and it landed right in between its eyes and it collapsed on the ground dead.  We all walked over to the two teens with Magnus and the kids not far behind, the blond one looked up and asked us "Who the fuck are you guys, I haven't seen anyone like y'all around here before?"

"Dear, we were having our day off and noticed you and your little friend in some danger over here," Magnus responded

"Ok well, you still didn't answer my question who are you guys, and what was that thing?" He questioned.

"I'm Magnus these two little lovelies are Mac and Rafe, the one in the heels is Izzy, her boyfriend Simon is in the Star Wars shirt, the redhead is Clary, the blond one is Jace, and the handsome tall one is my husband Alec! That thing happened to be a Shax demon, So who might you two be?" I blushed a little at him calling me his husband, happy to hear him say that even if it was to a stranger.

I picked up Max when the blond teen answered,  "My name is Will and this is my boyfriend Nico, he's a little incapacitated right now because whatever that thing was clawed him."

Magnus reached over to help Will try to heal him but we all knew it takes time to heal something like this. "We can take you guys to our institute to get him healed." I offered.

504 words
I know these chapters aren't long but I'm trying to post a minimum of one a day so I'm not gonna do super long ones but there will be tons of chapters.  I hope you guys enjoyed this second chapter and I am currently looking for people to beta read so if you are open to doing so just comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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