46. epilogue

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Through the centuries, many lovers from around the world have made a pilgrimage to the site in Pere Lachaise cemetery where Heloise and Abelard are buried. By tradition, they leave letters at their monument to pay tribute to their love. Some leave letters of admiration. Some leave letters to express their own sorrows. And some write to the couple asking them for help in finding their own true love.

 And some write to the couple asking them for help in finding their own true love

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Heloise d'Argenteuil will never become a Saint.

She will be largely forgotten within the Church, but she will remain an important icon for those seeking faith outside of doctrine.

Heloise will be heralded as an important modern thinker, pushing for women's equality in a time when it was taken for fact that women were not the spiritual equals of men. She will be known as a great abbess, contributing to the scholarship of many. She will be known for changing the Benedictine Rules relating to nuns, rules which would become standard in the Benedictine order until the French Revolution. Her contributions greatly expanded the possibilities for women within religious life.

She will be known, importantly, for her influence on Abelard, whose reputation as a great philosopher of the medieval age shines on

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She will be known, importantly, for her influence on Abelard, whose reputation as a great philosopher of the medieval age shines on. He is known for his application of logic and reason to the study of theology. He is known for his alternative readings of scripture, using scripture as a tool for furthering social justice causes. Through his commitment to logic and reason, instead of doctrine, he will be heralded as one of the forerunners of empiricism, a scientific movement that would not take hold for several centuries but that would eventually form the basis of modern science as we know it.

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