The Planning Begins

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I walked up to the Athena cabin and knocked. If I was doing this I would need some help planning. A tall girl, blonde with blue eyes, came to the door.

"Hello," she said politely.

"Hey, I have some urgent business to attend to."

"Wait, are you the Jo people say died and came back to life two months later."

That news smacked me across the face. "Two months," I asked, "I was gone for two whole months?"

"Yeah, isn't it crazy!" Then she got into a huge scientific explanation of how that shouldn't have happened and how my body wouldn't even function any more and la dee da dee da blah blah blah, but I was too shocked to even try to follow what she was saying.

"-anyway," I cut in, "I need help from your counselor."

"Ok sure, I'll go get her."

She left and I let out a sigh of relief. That was a nightmare, it was like half Aphrodite half Athena. So only half the brains (no offense Aphrodite) and all of the fangirl/science nerd (and definitely no offense Athena).

After what seemed like an eternity, thanks to my ADHD, Hannah the head counselor for Athena walked out. "What do you need Jo?"

"I need help," I replied.

"Well duh, why else would you come the Athena cabin? Beauty tips?"

"No that would be-"

"I know, Aphrodite."

"Ok... I need help with a rescue."

"I'm guessing for the three girls that got kidnapped."

"That and also some revenge."

"Sounds good, come on in."

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