The first date

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I'm getting ready to have dinner with Bethany at my house sence we can't go out because of covid. As I'm putting stuff on the table I grab some plates I turn around and I see Taylor in one of the chairs and she looks at me and smiles. "Taylor what are you doing," I ask putting the plates on the table and I look at her
"Tanner who's this for," she asks looking at the food because she knows it's not for her.
"Taylor I have a date tonight, is that a problem," I say grabbing the spaghetti and putting it on the table.
"Well no I was just wondering," she says standing up and walks away.
"Taylor look I still love you but I have to move on," I say then the doorbell goes off then I walk to the door and before I open it Taylor is gone, then I open it and it's Bethany
"Hey Bethany" I say hugging her then I stop and move so she can come in
"So tanner how's the YouTube channel" she says walking to the table and I move her chair so she can sit down then I sit down
"I'm taking a break for now, its been to crazy" I say looking at her and smiling,
For the rest of the night we made small talk.

 "Taylor look I still love you but I have to move on," I say then the doorbell goes off then I walk to the door and before I open it Taylor is gone, then I open it and it's Bethany"Hey Bethany" I say hugging her then I stop and move so she can com...

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This is my friend Bethany, she is the Bethany in the story, and also baby-dolly

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