Why Taylor

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It's been 4 months sence bethany and I meant and I think is going well so far, the only thing that has been bothering me is I haven't seen Taylor in a while and it's starting to scare me.

Bethany is coming over today to bake with me. As I'm getting the stuff out the door unlocks, opens and then closes. I turn around and it's Bethany, I had given her a key in case I can't open the door.

We start to bake and I realize there is no chocolate chips.
"Bethany, I'll be back i have to go get chocolate chips" I say grabbing my keys and running out the door before she could say anything

*Bethany pov*
As I'm making the batter I hear something behind me so I turn around and there is nothing there. I turn back around and I keep making the batter then all of a sudden I hear metal behind me so I turn around and I see a floating pan then something starts to appear with red eyes and I realize that it's tanners old gf, then she hits me in the head and I fall to the ground and pass out.

*Tanner pov*
I get back from the store and I open the door and walk in. I go to the kitchen and I see bethany on the ground and a pan next to her. I throw the bags Andi run to her body and try to wake her up but it's no use. I take out my phone and call 9.1.1 and 15 minutes later they take her away and take her to the hospital.

Find out in the next chapter to see if she lives or not. baby-dolly

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