The night of a tragic death

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Taylors POV

The past three mouths have been amazing I decided to stay in Las Vegas with Tanner because he asked me to be his boyfriend. Right now I'm waiting for tanner to get home so we can watch Netflix all night,


What was that, I better go see what it was. so I decided to grab a knife out of the kitchen that is being redone. I walked up stares to see what is was.


I looked down at my chest and saw a bullet hole right in the middle where my hart is, and that was the last time I ever saw day light again.


Tanners POV.

Taylor I'm home. where is she. i walked into the living room and the T.V. was gone and so was more things so I run upstairs and see a dead Taylor right at the bedroom door. i pulled out my phone and called 911. I told them what happened.

Soon the corner came and took Taylor in a black bag. I decided to call her mom and tell her what happened. After I told her se was very sad and said she will start planning the funeral. 

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