Going out with the black jack dealer.

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Today im on my own, my friends a out and i have nothing to do. All of the sudden their was a knock on my door so I go and open it and see Tanner standing their.
     Hi Taylor what are you doing today.
     Nothing, how did you get my room number.
     I ran into your friends and they gave me it.
     Why did they give it to you, don't you think that is a little strange.
     Ya a little, so do you want to go out for lunch.
     Sure, let me get ready ill be out in 20min.
     Ok, sounds good to me ill go get my car. Meet me out front of the hotel.
     Ok I will, im going to go get ready now.
     Ok, see to down their in 20.
Finally im ready time to go down stares and meet tanner at his car.

So where would like to go and eat. 

lets go to Gangnam Asian BBQ Dining.

ok lets go, how far is it.

1.5 miles away.


That was so good, I've never been there in my life.

I always go there, its one of my favorite places.

really, why do you go there so much.

I like BBQ, its one of my favorite foods, btw were back at the hotel.

ok well good bye then so you later Tanner.

Bye Taylor.

Man I hope we can go out again.

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