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Annabelle Davis was a happy mess as she sat in her cabin on the Pearl, Will's head in her lap as she waited for him to wake up. Elizabeth sat in the room, keeping the girl company and also making sure Will was alright.

Everything was perfect, Annabelle had her two favorite people with her, even if one was passed out at the moment. She told Elizabeth everything that had happened, considering they couldn't talk much in their search for Will.

When a groan interrupted them, Annabelle grinned. "Oh, Will, you're alright," she sighed. Elizabeth have a quick nod before exiting the room.

"Annabelle?" He murmured as he sat up, looking around. "Where's the chest?"

Annabelle flinched, she didn't expect that to be one of the first things he asked for, but she shook it off. "Norrington took it to draw Jones crew away. But enough about that, you're here!"

Will cupped her cheek. "I know, I know." He studied her face as she smiled, leaning into his touch. "You are beautiful, my love."

Annabelle giggled. "Oh, shut it."

"You do!" Will laughed. He gave her a quick kiss. "You always do."

Annabelle went to argue, but Elizabeth burst into the room. "Reunion over, Jones is here!"

The three rushed out, grabbing their swords along the way and Annabelle wished even more desperately than she ever had that she'd never gotten tangled in Jack Sparrows mess of a pirate life.

The cursed pirate popped up, holding a jar and singing. "I've got a jar of dirt, I've got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it!"

Annabelle looked at him in disappointment, but it turned to fear as the Flying Dutchman revealed its cannons. Her growing pirate side kicked in as she looked around. "Hard to the starboard!"

The Crew of the Pearl worked quickly as orders were given, fleeing from the Dutchman and watching it fade into the horizon.

"Take that, bloody bastard!" Annabelle yelled, not caring if Jones could hear or not. She looked at the ship for a while, smile etched on.

Both girls screamed as the ship lurched and glass broke.

"We must've hit the reef." A Crew member stated, pointing to bubbles in the sea.

"No. It's not a reef!" Will cried, grabbing Annabelle. "Get away from the rail!"

"What is it?" Annabelle questioned, voice full of fear.

"The Kraken. To arms!" Will shouted and the Crew stormed once again as Annabelle stood in shock. "It'll attack the starboard, I've seen it before. Roll out the cannons and hold for my signal."

"Will?" Annabelle almost cried, fear surging through her as she held a sword in front of her. Tentacles rose before them and slowly crept forwards.

"Steady! Steady!"





Cannons erupted as tentacles creeping up the ship retreated and cheers erupted.

"It'll be back, we have to get off the ship."

"There's no boats."

Will sighed and looked around, then an idea came. "Pull the grates; get all the gunpowder onto the net in the cargo hold." Will commanded before handing Annabelle a rifle. "Whatever you do, don't miss."

"As soon as you're clear." Annabelle replied, holding it firmly in her hands.

Never had she used a rifle before; only a sword. The sword was like an extension of herself, something part of her.

"We are short on gunpowder. Six barrel." A sailor yelled.

"Then load the rum!" Annabelle cried. All eyes looked at her, seemingly torn. "Oh you bloody fools, it's life or death and you care for rum!"

"Aye! The rum too!"

Annabelle walked to Elizabeth as the men piled up rum on a net.

"Our lives are lovely don't you think? You got kidnapped, me and Will almost died, Will was kidnapped, now we might die from the Kraken." Annabelle laughed.

"Can always count on you to make a joke about a horrible situation." Elizabeth sighed. They spotted Jack, rowing away from the ship. "Coward."

The girls let out screams as the Kraken lashed at the ship. They jumped back as Crew members were pulled off and thrown in the ocean or other vast areas.

Annabelle turned, holding up her rifle, aiming for the net. She pulled down though when she saw Will stuck on the net. She stood in shock, torn between shooting or not.

"Shoot! Annabelle shoot!" Will shouted at her. Annabelle almost shook her head as she hesitated more.

She screamed as something wrapped around her ankle, pulling her away. She felt tears prick her eyes, realizing this would be her end. She would die by the Kraken.

But at least a hero.

Will and Elizabeth would deem her a hero. Maybe the Crew and Jack. Hell, maybe Norrington.

But the screams turned to laughter as Ragetti cut the tentacle. She looked at the pirate who gave her a small smile before lurching for her rifle, which was stepped upon.

She looked up, and there was Jack fucking Sparrow.

He took aim.

The bullet flew.

And boom.

An explosion sounded and Annabelle laughed as Elizabeth ran up to her, hugging her swiftly.

"We're okay." Elizabeth murmured.

"We're okay." Annabelle repeated and was engulfed by more arms.

"We're okay." Will repeated as well, and the trio all laughed.

"Finally, lets go home, me and Will have a wedding to attend." Annabelle rolled her eyes.

"Abandon ship." Gibbs told them. "Captains orders."

They looked up and Annabelle frowned.

"Abandon ship?"


Annabelle sighed, and looked around, seeing the crew loading a long boat with supplies. She looked up at Will, grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the long boat. She turned around and marched towards Jack.

"You came back." Annabelle stated.

She looked as though she would kiss him, pushing him against the mast, then chaining him.

"It's after you, not the ship. It's not us. It's the only way, don't you see?"

She leaned in as though to kiss him again, but never did.

She never would.

"I'm not sorry."

With that, she walked away.

Going into the long boat she sighed and Will looked at her. She sighed and sat beside him, leaning on his shoulder.

"Where's Jack?"

"He's elected to stay behind and give us a chance." They paused, not wanting to leave. Annabelle sighed. "Go!"

Annabelle watched the Pearl fade and looked at Elizabeth, who seemed just as shaken as her.

They watched as the ship was swallowed and Annabelle felt sick and Will covered her view.

"Annabelle, go to sleep, love. You've had a long day." Will sighed, concern plastered on his face. "Please."

"Alright." Annabelle mumbled before drifting off to a light sleep.

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