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Annabelle, Barbossa and Jack walked on a sand spit towards Will, Beckett and Jones. Annabelle held a frown on her face, wondering how this would turn out for them.

"You be the one that led these wolves to our doors." Barbossa said once they all stopped.

"Don't blame Turner, he was merely the tool of your betrayal. If you wish to see it's grand architect, look to your left."

They all turned left, facing Jack, who held his hands up. "My hands are clean in this... figuratively."

"My actions were my own and to my own purpose. Jack had nothing to do with it." Will said and Annabelle looked at the man she loved with everything in her heart.

"Well spoke, listen to the tool." Jack smiled.

"Will, I've been aboard the Dutchman. I understand the burden you bear but I fear that cause is lost." Annabelle tried.

"No cause is lost if there is but one fool left to fight for it." Will said and Annabelle sighed.

"If Turner was not acting on your behalf, then how did he come to give me this." Beckett held up Jacks compass. "You made a deal with me Jack, to deliver the pirates and here they are. Don't be bashful, step up, claim your reward." And he tossed Jack the compass.

"Your debt to me is still to be satisfied. One hundred years in service aboard the Dutchman. As a start." Jones spat.

"That debt was paid mate, with help." Jack motioned at Annabelle.

"You escaped!"


"I propose an exchange." Annabelle started. "Will leaves with us and you can take Jack."

"Done." Will said.

"Undone!" Jack cried.

"Done." Beckett said, smile growing.

"Jack is one of the nine pirate lords; you have no right..."

"King." Annabelle reminded him.

"As you command." Jack sighed, bowing to her.

Barbossa cut something off of Jack, of which Jack the monkey got from the sand. "If you be saying something, I might be saying something as well."

"First to finish then?"

Swaps were made and Annabelle smiled with Will being next to her again.

"Do you fear death?" Jones asked Jack.

"You have no idea."

Beckett spoke up. "Advise your Brethren. You can fight and all of you will die or you can not fight in which case only most of you will die."

"You murdered my mother." Annabelle spat at him.

"He chose his own fate."

"And you have chosen yours. We will fight, and you will die." Annabelle finished before spinning on her heels and walked away.

"King?" Will smiled.

"Of the Brethren Court. Courtesy of Jack." Annabelle smiled back.

"Maybe he really does know what he's doing."


Aboard the Pearl, Annabelle watched as Tia, otherwise known as Calypso, stood bound in rope. "We'll use the Pearl as a flagship to lead the attack."

"Will we now?" Barbossa questioned.

"Barbossa, you can't release her." Will said with a frown on his face.

"We have to give Jack a chance." Elizabeth who stood with Nathan.

"Apologies your majesty! Too long has me fate not been in my own hands; no longer." Barbossa said, pulling the necklace from Annabelle and dropping it in a bowl with the other piece of eight.

"Be there some sort of rite or incantation?" Gibbs asked as they prepared for Calypso to be freed.

"Aye. Items be brought together, done. Items to be burned and someone must speak the words 'Calypso I release you from your human bonds." Barbossa explained.

"That's it?" Pintel asked.

"It was said it must be spoken as if to a lover." Barbossa paused. "Calypso, I release you from your human bonds." Nothing happened.

"Is that it?"

"You didn't say it right. You have to say it right." Ragetti said, walking to Calypso. He pulled her hair aside and whispered in her ear. The bowl began to levitate as the items caught fire.

Will held Annabelle back as she eagerly watched. "Tia Dalma. Calypso." The bowl dropped. "When the Brethren Court first imprisoned you, who was it that told them how? Who betrayed you?"

"Name him!"

"Davy Jones."

Tia began to grow in size and Annabelle quickly moved back as did Elizabeth. Will and Nathan stood in front of them, ready to protect them if need be.

"Calypso, I come before you as a servant, humble and contrite. I have fulfilled me vow and now ask your favor. Spare me self, me ship, me creed but unleash your fury upon those who dare pretend themselves your masters or mine." Barbossa yelled as Tia became a giant, almost break the deck.

She yelled words Annabelle couldn't understand, but knew there was some meaning behind it. Some rage and hurt. She then turned into crabs and was gone.

"What now?" Nathan asked Barbossa.

"Nothing. Our final hope has failed us." Barbossa sighed.

"It's not over." Elizabeth said.

"There's still a fight to be had." Annabelle said, her voice strong.

"We've an armada against us and with the Dutchman there's no chance." Gibbs sighed.

"Only a fools chance." Annabelle tried.

"Revenge won't bring your mother back, Miss Davis, and it's not something I'm intending to die for." Barbossa said and dismissed her.

Annabelle jumped up on the railing, holding onto the net. "Then what shall we die for? You listen to me, listen! The Brethren will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl to lead, and what will they see? Frighten bilge rats aboard a derelict ship? No! They will see free men; and freedom! And what the enemy will see is the flash of our cannons, they will hear the ring of our swords and they will know what we can do! By the sweat of our brows and the strength of our backs, and the courage of our hearts, gentlemen. Hoist the colors!"

"Hoist the colors!"

"Hoist the colors!" Was echoed among each ship as flags were raised.

"The winds on our side boys, that's all we need!"

Annabelle smiled as she saw everyone working together to get ships ready for war.

She never thought she would be in a war.

Let alone manning an army for a war.

Let alone a war with pirates against people who threatened to take away the sea.

But she was ready.

She was ready to have a war with pirates, to fight along side them, to take back the sea.

She was ready to man an army.

She was ready for war.

So when the rain pricked at her face her smile grew wider.

She looked through the rain and saw Will.

She would not let anything happen to him.

She couldn't.

So when a maelstrom was called out, she was ready more then anything.

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