Chapter Thirty-Nine: Suits--Part Two

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Max had just returned from his run when his phone rang. It was Itty.

"So when do you want me to pick you up this afternoon?"

"What? What are you talking about?"

Max heard his best friend sigh on the other line. "I'm glad I didn't bet money. Kuhn Bagnet told me that you probably forgot, but I told her there was no way you would forget the Red Tree Benefit this afternoon, especially when you had such a horrible time when she took us all to get suits."

Max facepalmed. He had forgotten—maybe on purpose.

"I didn't forget. I repressed the memory. Why did we say that we would do this again?"

"Because we both would do anything Kuhn Bagnet asked? Or could it be that we both fell in love with the orphans? Or could it be that Kuhn Bagnet can make even these kinds of events funny? Or could it be that you thought you'd get ideas for future book topics? Or could it be that Kuhn Bagnet never invites us anywhere where there won't be a stellar buffet? Or . . ."

Finally, Max cut him off. "I get it. I get it. I really did forget. I had a lot on my mind."

"I bet, and I'm sure Chimon didn't want to bring it up."

Khun Bagnet had also invited Chimon to the benefit, and he'd been in the group when Kuhn Bagnet took them all to get red suits. Kuhn Bagnet knew Sinjai Hongtai very well. She knew her before she even knew Max, thus she knew Chimon before she knew Max and was always looking for ways to get him exposed to the business world and help Hongtai Farm's reputation. That's how Itty met Chimon—through Kuhn Bagnet. He'd never been to the farm.

When Max didn't say anything else, Itty decided to tease. "How was the honeymoon?"

"Stop it. What are you talking about? I was just at the farm this weekend."

Itty rolled his eyes, wishing Max could see his face.

"Please, there was a reason you called me to talk about the trip this time. You never do that. I could tell you were worried. Also, we all could tell when you introduced us to that Pakorn guy that he liked you. He was jealous of everyone at the table. I couldn't decide which one of us he wanted to kill first."

Max tried to look back in his mind to that night. He had remembered Chalida laughing, but he only remembered Tul looking tired and stiff. How come he had blocked so much of this?

"Nothing really happened. We just . . ." Max paused. He didn't know how to explain it.

"Look, Max. I was just teasing. I don't expect you to tell me anything. But I hope Tul finally confessed his feelings for you, so you guys can move forward together."

Max didn't say anything. He looked in the wardrobe for a suit to wear today. He wanted to wear a suit for Tul since he had worn one for Plustor. He also was stalling for time because he wasn't sure how to respond to Itty.

Itty decided to fill the silence. "So, are you not moving forward together?"

"We can't. Not right now." Max said, sitting down on the bed with his phone in one hand and the suit he picked out in the other.

"Why not?"

"Why do people think that just because you fall in love you can stop doing what you are doing or that you can put that love first?"

Itty was about to interrupt, but Max cut him off. "Look, Itty. You know how much I always hate those stories where one half of a couple keeps a secret in order not to hurt the other and they suffer alone. What do you call it?"

Melted: A MaxTul AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now