Eighty-Four: Ice Cream and Explanations

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"Wait, Wanna really punched him the face?" Kuhn Bagnet asked, incredulity and laughter in her voice. "I know she loves her job, but the more I know her the more I wish she was working with me."

Itty was driving to Hongtai Farms with Max still asleep in the passenger seat. He had called Kuhn Bagnet once he had finished talking to Tul, who had requested that he give him an hour's head start. Tul had been planning to take Max to the farm; it's why he asked Max to save a whole day for him. Apparently, he'd been planning to visit the farm with Max ever since he learned that Max was coming back to Thailand. He had asked Rita what she knew of his weekend schedule called Kuhn Sinjai to her help with his surprise. Even though Max had gone to the farm immediately upon his arrival back in Thailand, they both knew that he would not be averse to the idea of going back to the farm again.

Kuhn Bagnet was still laughing, and Itty was relishing the sound. Nothing made him feel as warm as Michelle Bagnet's laughter. Whether it was one of her low chuckles, her loud guffaws, or her sometimes evil cackles, they always made him feel so good, so full. He glanced over at Max again, wishing he were awake to feel it, to feel Kuhn Bagnet's love. His friend definitely could have used it earlier today.

Michelle Bagnet finally stopped laughing. "That is hilarious and nothing less than he probably deserved for messing this up. I do feel guilty though. I wonder if I should have done something to make him feel like he could confide in me more. I could have helped with this plan."

Itty replied to her, "What do you know about this plan? Did you talk to him?"

"No, Itty. I did nothing but send him the picture to confirm that he wasn't engaged. I've spent most of the morning getting more information and getting updates from Ki Woo about Max's whereabouts since he turned off his phone."

He heard her sigh.

"Nobody contacted me directly," she replied with a tone of accusation laced with hurt. "Why didn't any of you contact me to see if I knew anything or had found out anything?"

"Because we knew you had to be working on it and would tell us when you felt you could. Chalida and I both know to be patient and not to interrupt you by asking questions."

Michelle laughed again, "Chalida is NOT patient."

Itty smiled in agreement even though he knew she couldn't see. "You know what I mean. We know you. We know you aren't going to tell us anything until you're ready, and if we push you, you might make us wait longer."

Michelle clicked her tongue at him, but he wasn't wrong, so she stayed silent until she asked about Max again.

"But Max. He didn't respond to me, and then he turned off his phone. I was worried."

Itty softened completely. It was this. What other people didn't see in Kuhn Bagnet that made people so loyal to her. She really did care. She really did love them all. She didn't just mentor people and cultivate talent. She gathered people in and spread her love all over them.

"You should know, Kuhn. That Max just didn't want to deal with your special gift today," he responded to her quietly, gently even.

"What? What do you mean by that, Itthipat Thanit?"

"You and I both know that if Max had called you, he would have ended up crying. You would have sent over ice cream, and he would have poured out his heart and pain without you even asking, and he would have been a mess. You have that effect on people. They confide in you. Most of the time this is good, but the Max I saw this morning was a Max that was determined to focus on Tul and being a good friend to Tul not thinking about his own misery."

Melted: A MaxTul AU storyWhere stories live. Discover now