Nineteen: The Interview

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Max planned to spend the rest of that week focusing on his interviews and trying not to look at his phone. Tul had told him that he probably wouldn't be able to call, but he still couldn't help it. Tul did manage to text him Wednesday evening with a brief message: "My surprise appearance went well today." This gave Max some relief but only heightened his curiosity.

Fortunately, things seemed to be heating up in the office and with his book interviews. Word had gotten out that he'd been able to interview not only Plustor but also Tor, and people seemed to be coming out of the woodwork wanting to talk to him--both inside the company and outside of Pakorn group. He also noticed that not only did the Team seemed busier, but they didn't seem like they were shunned as much.

Max, wondering what was happening, finally asked Ann and Prin that Friday. They both shared a smirk before responding causing Max to wonder if they were finally going to just date already.

"Apparently, we've become cool, sort of," Ann said with a slight roll of her eyes.

Max raised an eyebrow, so Prin continued the story, "I think it's a couple of things. At a meeting that Tul had with one of the vendors, he not only closed a deal for our team, but also got deals for two other teams. He wasn't doing it to make friends but because it would be good for company, but people don't forget that kind of behavior, especially since no one asked him to do it. One of the teams has been trying to get something through that vendor for several months, so it was really helpful to them."

Ann interrupted, "Let's be honest, though. It started before that. I think that when they realized that Khun Tul wasn't going to be a spoiled flake but actually knew business, they started to pay some attention. It helped that he looks like a model, but that was really only the women. However, when it was clear that he was taking the job seriously, and we started turning things around . . ."

"A lot of that was you, Ann. I know it and Tul knows it," Prin admonished. "You have been able to bring out the best in people that other departments had thrown away." He turned apologetically to Max, "No offence to your uncle, Max.

"No worries, Prin. Uncle Pongpat pretty much said the same thing about himself when he was transferred. But, since we're being honest, you guys were still being shunned in the cafeteria when I got here. But yesterday, people actually acknowledged you, and even Yeo Jin stopped by to say thank you to Prin for Tul's help with the vendor."

Max said the latter gently. Yeo Jin Baek was the woman who had "stolen" Ann's husband. They had dated before he dated and then married Ann. Max had always wondered whether she really loved Ann's ex or that she hated the fact that he had married a woman who was older than her.

"You don't have to be careful with me, Max." Ann said smiling. "Yeo Jin and I will probably never be friends, but we are getting along. She is starting to come around to recognize what I did a long time ago, the ex we share is trash and not even a good at his job." She chuckled. "It makes me remember something you said to me last year."

Max frowned. He had no idea where this was going. Ann glanced at Prin first and then looked back at Max with a grin, "You wondered how two smart, beautiful women were wasting their time on such a loser. So many nice guys out there, you said, and women always fall for his type."

Max remembered that he said that. He also remembered that he had just been quoting Khun Bagnet after he had talked to her about his uncle's team. He Had been talking to her about what happened to Ann; he hadn't thought it fair but also not smart of the company to treat such a talented person like Ann the way they had.

"Anyway," Ann continued. "We've had some success. Khun Tul has shown himself to be a focused person who is willing to put the company first and not just his own team. That's not something people have seen in a while. His brother thinks that competition between teams is a better strategy. And then . . ." she slowed down and started to smile teasingly. "There's you."

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