Chapter One

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Chapter One~

Raven's POV


The bell snapped me out of my thoughts. Thank god first period is over i didn't know how much longer I could stand to listen to my English teacher drone on and on. I grabbed my backpack and walked out. I walked into the cool air and then the sun hit me. I cringed and pulled up my hood. The sun burned my skin in a way that I hated! The heat from the sun soaked into my jeans and burned my legs. I pulled my hood over my head even more and walked quickly to my next class. I turned the corner and then BAAM! I was knocked to my feet. My black hair spilled out of my hood and my head slammed against the concrete. I cried out as a sharp pain shot through my head. I could feel tears building up behind my eyes as my head throbbed. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I heard a voice that made my stomach tingle. I opened my eyes and then saw him. He had sandy blond hair and light blue eyes that looked like clear pools of water.

"Are you okay?" he asked again. But I was too lost in his eyes to respond. I looked deep into his eyes then the dark wave covered me and I slipped into unconsciousness.

James' POV


"Great" I thought. " One period down, five more to go".

I slowly stood up and picked up my backpack. The air outside was cold but the sun seemed to slice through it and warm me up. I began to walk to my next class. When I turned the corner, I ran into someone, they literally knocked me off my feet. I heard a girl cry out in pain and felt a leg brush against mine. I sat up almost immediately and saw a girl wearing black skinny jeans and a black Monster Energy jacket. Her long black hair was splayed out around her head and she was clutching her head and moaning. I crawled over to her and put my hand lightly on her shoulder. 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

She opened her eyes and let out a small gasp. When I saw her face it had felt like the wind had been knocked out of me. Her eyes were like neon blue like lasers, piercing my eyes, her skin was pale, and her lips were as red as blood.. She looked up at me and her eyes seemed to look deep into mine and then she passed out. I picked her up, carried her to the nurses office and gently placed her on the bed. I told the nurse what had happened. While she thumbed through the girls file for a number to call her parents with.

"Thank you Hun. You may go back to class now." the nurse said politely.

"I'm really worried about her, and I have a test. I wont be able to think straight anyways. Can I stay here and make sure she's okay please?" I asked. 

She thought about it for a second before saying, "Okay, just be sure to get your work after school." 

I walked over to the chair by the bed and sat down. I looked at her relaxed face and watched her chest go up and down. Wishing she would open her eyes and look at me again.

"She's very pretty isn't she?" the nurse said laying a blanket on top of her.

I nodded. That's when I realized I didn't know her name.

"What's her name?" I asked the nurse.

"You don't know her?" she asked curiously.

"Nope." I said shaking my head.

"Hmm, I guess I just assumed you did since you were so worried about her." she paused giving me a look I didn't understand. "Her name is Raven Knight."



Copyright 2011©Prettygirlie234

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