The King

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Soon, there were more shaking bushes, “Are you serious? Just leave me alo-” She looked up at a figure looming over her, its eyes blood red. “-ne… Oh. Hello.” She realized her mistake of making fun of Lily earlier, “Mhmm, and you must be the king.”

“Correct.” He told her, his yellowish teeth looked sharper than in the books Ukeo had read, “Why were you messing with my pack?” He asked, his crimson red eyes reflecting the flickering light from the fire.

Ukeo hesitated, then decided to mess with him, “Erm… Who…?”

“Lily!” He exclaimed, losing his composure. He cleared his throat, “Ahem. Lily, you know… The tiger you just met?” He sighed when Ukeo shook her head, “Nevermind. The only thing you need to do is pay the consequences.

Ukeo took out her spear, dragging it on the ground to quickly sharpen it, “Okay, what consequences are we talking about? Because a death penalty is not something a twelve-year-old girl deserves.”

The King rolled his eyes, “Yes, the death penalty. What else am I gonna do?” He didn’t take his time to make a big battle speech, he just leaped at Ukeo.

He rammed his head into an unprepared Ukeo with a strong force that knocked her back. She could feel blood dripping down the side of her face and the sting of air on a fresh wound. She let her anger get the best of her and gripped her spear strongly. What does that rat-breath ugly-looking tiger think he’s doing? Does he really think he can defeat me? Ha! I’ll show that no-good striped beast how deep the water really is!

Ukeo, with a quick and strong throw, shot her spear right at the King. The sharped wooden stick flew into his chest and bounced off, falling to the ground like a twig. He stared at the spear that was on the ground, feeling lucky that his fur was there to soften the blow.

Crud. Thought that would work. Ukeo thought, The King looked up just as Ukeo jumped at him and used her dull nails to scratch his head. She cut a skin wound.

The King threw Ukeo off and slammed her into a tree. Her vision now blurred, she looked up at the king. I'm going to die. I'll never see Kipo again and it's all because of this ugly fur-rat.

A sudden burst of adrenaline and anger came to Ukeo, and she threw her weight onto the King. Now that he was distracted, Ukeo grabbed the spear and without thinking, she stabbed him in the stomach. She felt the tip touch her own stomach through his back. She got off of him and ran in front of him, pulling the spear out.

The King's eyes grew wide with shock, surprise, and pain. He looked down at Ukeo, “You’re a brave little one. Your passion and ability to fight are outstanding. I believe you’ll never lose the next battle you have. Your wits are incredible, so take these things with you. We need someone like you to stand up to him.” The King smiled at her, “I’m proud of you, kid.” He said, his eyes dulling.

He collapsed to the ground with a loud thud, and Ukeo backed up, letting go of the spear in surprise. He's dead. I actually won. Oh gosh, what would Kipo think of me now? I just killed the tigers’ king! As she thought this, tigers started pouring out from the bushes behind her and ran away.

“The King is dead!” “Run for your lives!” “That girl is crazy!”

Ukeo sat there in stunned silence. The patter of paws soon faded away, and the only thing she heard was the crackling flames of the roaring fire beside her.

Ukeo with da beastsWhere stories live. Discover now