The Paw

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 "Ukeo Ukeo Ukeo!" Ukeo heard someone yelling. She sat up and rubbed her aching head, but it wasn't with a hand.

"WHAT THE?" Ukeo was staring at a blue paw with stripes, "No no no, go away!" It went away just as Kaily emerged from the trees.

"Ukeo! Are you okay?" Kaily rushed up to Ukeo, "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, no I'm okay." She said, "I think I just hit my head a little too hard. I'll be fine."

"If you have a brain bleed we can't journey," Kaily said.

"I don't have a brain bleed, that's for sure." Ukeo stated, "I just freaked myself out." She said, "It's nothing, really."
"Alright. Come on. We need to get moving. Skyscraper ridge is just at the edge of this forest, and we don't have a lot of daylight left." Kaily explained.

"We need to go, now!" Ukeo said, grabbing Kaily's arm and picking Hunter up, running as fast as she could, which wasn't that fast, but she tried.


 They got there just before nightfall, the large and collapsed buildings shoved up against each other cast a shadow against the three of them, "That's taller than I imagined." Ukeo whispered, "Welp, time to go in!" She began marching towards it.
Kaily pulled Ukeo back, "It's not that simple. We didn't eat yesterday or today. We need to catch something and we need to save our energy, or else something like the mega-monkey could happen again."

"That's brilliant! We can get the mega-monkey to help!" Ukeo set her fist down in the palm of her hand.

"I'm beginning to think that the mega-monkey is the source of all our problems," Kaily muttered doubtfully.

"You wouldn't think..." Ukeo whispered to Kaily.

"Of course I would think that." Kaily snapped, "Let's find some shelter and get food." She walked away.

"I'll get the food!" Ukeo yelled to Kaily and turned around, "Food... That was a stupid decision to make. What do you think, Hunter? Where do you think we should hunt?" Hunter began to walk off in a direction, sniffing the air. Promptly, Ukeo followed Hunter, and they were both led towards a purple pig with four eyes and six legs, "Yuck." She said, "You can get this kill Hunter."

Hunter looked back at Ukeo and then at the pig, shrugged, and jumped at the pig. Ukeo covered her ears to not hear the squeal from the pig, but she still heard it a little. Hunter walked up to Ukeo with a pig in his mouth, and Ukeo took it. She felt a little sorry for the pig, but she didn't really care. She needed to eat and she would.

"You got food! Thank goodness!" Kaily exclaimed, "I got a fire going. It took a little, but I got the hang of it."

Ukeo gripped her tiger skin, "You're welcome." She said even though Kaily hadn't thanked her, "You should thank Hunter. He caught it."

Hunter looked proud of himself

"Thank you Hunter for this delicious meal," Kaily said, putting it over a fire.

Ukeo grabbed her piece of pig and began eating it, giving Hunter a little piece to thank him for his work. She grabbed a few big leaves to lay on and fell asleep.

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