chapter 6

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'Its you!'

"Guess am famous amongst aliens to"
I said I held my sword close to me I saw movement  behinde me the orange and the red turtles behinde me  The purple and blue turtles infront of me narrowing there eyes at me

"What are you doing here in New York?" The blue one asked his eyes narrowed her tone thick and strict

"That's for me to know and you to find out" I responded and charged at him he met me half way our swords clashing   ! clank!  We both pressed against our swords both of us trying to see who was going to give in first.

Unfortunately that was me he pushed me back my swords falling  as he jumped and tried to slash at me I luckily rolled out of the way and took my guns from there holster.

seems like the others wanted sometime to get at me to because I saw the red one running up behinde me trying to stab me with his salad sticks. I grabed his wrist and flipped it making him drop it while I was busy doing that I didnt see his other sai he used the handle of the wepon and knocked me upside the head with it
Sending me stumbling.

I turned around only to come face to face with the orange one with the nunchucks  I was  fighting him now lucky  for me he was a little lazy with his technique. I dodged  his right nunchuck swing rolling to the right
The purple one decided to jump into the fray I was fighting them both now

Purple had a bow staff he kept swinging it at me whenever I dodged and rolled away from the orange one the purple one would just take his place it went on like that for a while

Blue then joined the fray again and i mentally groaned. "Look aliens am just trying to get home I have someone waiting on me so if you dont mind" using my leg I sweep kicked orange then dodged  purples stick before grabbing it roughly  and pulling it towards me in doing so the purple masked turtle followed  he was close enough , i clothe line him and the turtle fell to the floor with a yelp.

I turned around and came face with the red and blue turtle. 'Shit' I thought I know the blue one was skilled with his katana's and the red one woudnt go down without a fight I could see that now. Making a last minute decision I jumped over them and out a window landing on the hard concrete floor  outside groaning.

"Fuuuuck that hurt"i whined. "Leo she just jumped out a window" I herd a voice say it sounded like the orange turtle" I then herd the blue turtle or 'leo' speak next  "I know I saw" "should we go afteta her?" The red one asked. "No let her go well catch her eventually " I mentally celebrated and collected myself before  standing I limped finding the red motorcycle nearby and drove home.

A few minutes later....

Pulling into the parking garage I  sighed and quickly got to work removing my suit and my weapons my broken leg slowing me down a little bit I walked and opend the door as quite as I possible could be the bag with my suit hanging off my shoulder as I opend my door dropping my bag on the floor only to be suprised by my cousin.

"Ack! April!" I exclaimed limping backwards slighty as my cousin ran at me and enveloped me in an hug. "ROSE! I was so worried " she exclaimed examining my body.

"Am fine apes" "like hell you are where the hell did you disappear to !?" She asked now looking at me slight angry I scratched the back of my head bashfully trying to think of an excuse as to why I disappeared.

"Well I wanted to see some city sights sorry for worrying you ape" april  sighed and shook her head enveloping me in another hug I melted into the embrace and smiled.

A few minutes later....

I said gn to April and had changed  into my pajamas slightly limping, I found an way to hide it while I was with her but now I cant hide it. I sat on my bed and lifted my leg before closing my eyes and popping it in place.  It hurt like bitch  but it's what I get for jumping out that window.

Standing I took my duffle bag and stuffed it into the back of the closet hiding it to the best of my ability  humming I smiled at my effort and closed the door before going to my bed and laying down.

Tomorrow would be an new day i wonder what it will bring,..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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