chapter 3

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Meanwhile underground in the city of NY......

"In other news the anti-hero lady Deadpool strikes again, witness say they herd gun shots and cry's of pain overnight we take you live to the scene now Carmen..?

Good evening Jess and your right this scene is very disturbing blood is everywhere and yellow body bags are scattered about, when u come near the scene u can smell the blood in the air very very very disturbing,

we actually umm have some footage from a criminal that was lucky enough to survive this brutal scene scene take a look

"Yeah she looked not so tough I thought 'hey we could take her ' but once she opened her mouth and pulled out her gun we were scattered  all over she finished us all in 2 seconds flat am lucky enough to have survived with a injured arm that bitch crazy loco!''

"Yup and as you can see umm the scene see-

"Turn that off" Leo said with a huff he looked like he was about to blow his fuse even though yes they fight gang members, robbers and other disgusting type of people and yes they injury them but at least they don't kill them

"Jeez leo why ar' ya so mad bout what happened least this lady deadshit ain't down here" he said drinking his whine cooler next to leo on the couch

"Idk maybe she has a reason for what she does?" Don questioned

Mikey dramatically gasped behind the couch behind don

"What if she came here!!! Oh oh oh what if we meet her!! I can ask her why she kills maybe I can persuade her to stop killing and she could become a good guy!!!" Mikey exclaimed

Even though he was 20 he still acted like he was 5 and though his father likes this so do his brothers (sometimes) don't get them wrong , but his brothers just wish he would grow up

"Not a chance Mikey!" Raph and leo  shouted

"You can't be nice to people like her mikster they will backstab you and leave you a goner beside she's probably a assassin hired by the shredder to find and kill us" leo said bitterly

The brothers looked down at the floor at that statement, but each of them couldn't help but have a little spark of hope (all except Leo and a little bit of raph)

If  she could kill a couple of thugs in 2 seconds flat then they could only imagine what she would do to them if she found them and killed them

They all shudder at that and shake their heads, deciding that they where all tired, leo finally breaking the silence said

"we will speak to master splinter about this in the morning you guys just go to bed gn"

With that all the brothers headed to their respected rooms.......well except for two

"Leo yer really su'r about that girl? What if we're wrong bout her do ya really think we could befriend ter?"he whispered

"Don't know raph but like I said before don't worry about it alright love ya bro"

"Love ya to leo"



I awoke from my slumber with a start the flight attendant announced that we would land in NY in a couple of minutes

I opened my window and looked out into the dark starry night of NY from what I could see from how high we where the buildings we're all illuminated

It looked beautiful wow I can see why April loves the city so much I thought speaking of which I rang up April's phone before she answered

"Hey red am about to land" I said into the phone

"Really! Finally!! You know how long I've been waiting at this airport for you?!" She shouted through the phone

"Ouch ape i thought you loved me" I exclaimed dramatically

She giggled before responding

"I will see you in a few love you bye"

" Love you More Bye" I said

45 minutes later......

Afther passing the security check and being scanned (I found a way to sneak my suit and wepons in without detection again)

I grabbed my bags and met up with April as soon as I saw her

I smiled and with tears(I did not know I was crying) I ran and hugged ape she hugged me back

When we finshed we grabbed my bags and walked to her car when we finshed we got in and made small talk till we got to her apartment

"So ape what have you been up to?" I asked excitedly

"Nothin much just you know......(*~she paused*~) boring stuff a lot of boring stuff! *She giggled nervously*"

"Umm ape?" I asked confused
You ok there?" I said out of concern

"Am f-fine yup totally!" And breaking eye contact she kept her eyes on the road

Growing supecious but not wanting to ask her now I shrugged and looked ahead to

We finally got to her apartment I like it's very neat we both akwardly said gn to each other I threw my bag down into my temporary room I was surprised i had my own bathroom

I quickly took out some sleeping clothes, underwear and a bra and took a shower I changed and got in bed I laid there my last thought before I was put into a sleeping trance was

' What is April hiding? '

( Updated and revised 03/19/20)

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