chapter 2

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I Countinued down the sidewalk, while I walked I looked at different sights it seems like while I was gone they decided to build new apartment buildings "least it's gonna benefit the community"   I thought

While I walked past I saw a group of guys sitting on their door steps  outside there apartments while I walked past they kept cat calling me  or just even saying things like "hey doll nice curves", or "hey I know where u would look good at on my bedroom floor~"  I rolled my eyes

I quietly countinued walking pretending that they didn't even exist but that wasn't they didn't like

I was about to cross over to the other side walk when one them grabbed me by the hand and forced himself on me 'big mistake' I thought flipping him over

I saw one of his patners come over and stand in front of me with his fist up " come on b*tch"  he said I laughed and used my hand to become him closer he took the bait beautiful when he was close enough i stuck my elbow in his stomach making him cry out in pain a string of profaintys soon followed

"Next time buddy don't put ur hands on a women" I said standing over him

"F**k you b***h!, You women are all the same you are all just whores" the first guy said coming from behind me

My mind when blank for a moment before I laughed out loud "are you serious! You think every women would stump that low to sell themselves for money? Not every girl would sell themselves some may and enjoy it others find better solutions to their problems" I I turned around and socked the guy in the face

I guess the other guys got the picture

Because they ran off the other way 

'chumps' I crossed the street and continued on my way home


When I arrived home I was greated to the smells of hardwork, sweat and other smells I don't wanna name, my brother stood in the door way of his room his arms crossed in a slight smile

He came over to me hugged me and then released me saying "welcome back sis" I grinned "glad to be back bro" I snorted "now that that's done with let's get down to business" I said coming into my Bros room and seating next to him in the empty chair he left for me

"What's going on bro?" I asked concerned he sighed before looking at me "there's trouble in New York, big trouble" I had a questioning look on my face "-ok and?" He sighed through his nose

"It's in Aprils area" he said I looked at him shocked " am afraid she might be in danger" " I see" I said truth be told even if apes my cousin, we had more like a sister relationship I was always protective of apes and she grew protective of me too we where always around each other so of course when she moved from LA to Ny I cried

"What exactly are we dealing with?" I asked  " some acient evil called the shredder he's supposed to rule over 'all of NY,' but he's like some kinda Ninja mafia boss" my brother described

"And why can't NY, call the Pentagon and have military personnel capture one of there Area 51 excapes?" I asked 

"Because he's not a area 51 excape"

He said

I sighed truth be told me and my brother had a kinda fall out a couple of days before I went on that Washington mission and it's been kinda akward but I love him he's my brother he's been there for me in my worst so am gonna try to make a effort to mend our relationship

"I'll do it for april, when am I heading out?" I asked hugging my brother "tommorow morning at 2am I already booked you a flight , also while ur there and u seem to find this shredder see if he has enemies befriend them

afther all

The enemy of my enemy is my friend he said

I quickly went and showerd then went to my room changed into my PJs and packed a suitcase but I couldn't stop thinking about what my brother said

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend"


(Updated and revised 08/18/2020)

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