chapter 4

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I woke up late today when I got up April wasn't here 'weird' I thought she probably has work though I was suspicious of her from last night her behavior was really out of it and last I checked we never kept secrets from each other

Sighing I went to the bathroom in my room and cleaned myself up, I took my duffel bag with my suit and gear in it and took it with me

After finshed  getting dressed and suited up I ate breakfast and made my way down stairs into the garage where I found a red motorcycle already parked in a corner ' when did April get into riding motorcycles?' I shrugged put on the red helmet I'll ask later

I start the bike up open up the garage and rode it to the near by light I clicked on the little earcome in my mask my brothers voice in my ear

"Good morning sunshine"

I remarked out in the open as my ponytailed hair whipped in the air

"Hahah very funny dipshit" my brother said back I chuckled

"Aww you don't miss your sister I thought you would be estatic to hear from me" I playful whined

"Let's just say I had a bad morning"he resorted I could basically feel his eyes rolling

"Send me the coordinates to were am supposed to go and I will take it from there" I said as i stopped the bike at the red light

I herd the signal go dead as I clicked off the earcome I took off the red helmet and looked it over  admiraing it's handy work not paying attention suddenly I herd a little boy who looked at least 10 yell out to his mom in their car shout while the windows were down

"Mommy mommy it's her it's her!" I turned and saw the child pointing at me "what are you talking ab- " she started before we met eyes she screamed and took out her phone and started recording me

Other cars and near by presdestrians doing the same

'time to go' I thought

"I'd love to stay for a picture but I have some criminals to kill I took one of my swords out of it's sheath and posed then ran the red light, { what I look at you all} it was taking forever!

My bracelet beeped showing the coordinates to the thug hide out on the docks I turned right


The boys where in the layer doing their own Mikey was playing video games on the floor in the living room Donnie was in his lab raph was beating up a punching bag and leo was meditateing

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