Chapter 22

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Hinata's PoV
When I got home my mom rushed over to me in shock because of the state I was in "Shoyo did you get drunk last night!" I walked over and lay on the couch "what do you think" she came over and sat next to me putting my head on her lap I was about to tell her what happened when someone rang the bell she got up answered it and it was Kageyama "I forgot my parents weren't home and I lost my house keys at the party" my mom nodded and let him in he sat on the couch aswell we both told my mother what happened leaving out the fountain part and the part about me and that lady. She told us to go and get some sleep she also told us that Natsu was at a friends house for a while me and kageyama walked into my room and fell backwards onto my bed we were about to go to sleep but I sat up to say something " hey Kageyama?" I said as Kageyama sat up to face me "y-yeah" I took a deep breath before saying "thank you for looking after me at the party wait no thank you for everything thing you've done these past two weeks I really appreciate it" I said really quickly then I kissed him on the lips really fast and lay down 'falling asleep'

Kageyama's PoV
I woke up about 3 hours later hinata was still asleep I decided to leave him be because after all he was pretty hung over I went downstairs and was greeted by hinata's mother "hello did you sleep well"
"Yeah I did"

"That's good you can stay here until your parents get back if you like Shoyo seems to like having you over" she says as she washes the dishes "oh thanks ma'am"
I say "you can drop the ma'am call me Akari"

"Oh ok" I said sitting down at the table "so tell me do you like Shoyo" my eyes widened at the fact that she could tell "h-how do you know"

"Well for one you kissed him two you care so much about him that you tried to keep him safe at a party and three I can see the way you look at him"

"So you're not mad that I like Hinata"

"No not at all I knew he would bring a girl or boy home one day" after she said that hinata came down and sat down next to me I could feel my face heat up 
"H-hinata I Umm I have to talk to you" I said and with that we both walked back to his room

"What do you want to talk about" he said closing the door "I Umm Hinata I"

"Kageyama you what" he said as he moved closer to me and stared into my eyes as I looked at him those small beautiful freckles appeared once again "I I LOVE YOU HINATA IVE LOVED YOU FOR SO LONG SINCE THE DAY I SAW YOU JUMP SO HIGH IN THE AIR SINCE THE DAY I SAW YOU FIERCE RED HAIR AND YOUR HAZEL EYES SINCE THE DAY YOU TOOK ME TO THE FOUNTAIN AND WE DANCED FOR SO LONG IVE NEVER FELT LIKE THAT EVER AND FOR THE FIRST TIME I FELT LOVED" I said really loud I closed my eyes and looked down waiting for him to say anything.


"Wha" he cut me of by planting his soft lips against mine and he kissed me passionately I kissed him back putting my hand around his waist we stayed like that for a while then we parted "I love you too Kageyama" hinata said looking up at me we smiled at each other before hearing loud cheering from hinata's mother downstairs we both just assuming she heard it all but we didn't care

That was beautiful I don't really know what else to do but it'll probably be hinata coming out to the team and some other fun stuff tell me what you want me to put in it

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now