Chapter 73

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Ahem yeah I'm back hi

Hinata's PoV
Things have been a little bit different since we started school again.....girls were showing up to watch us practice and by girls I mean two girls and by us I mean me.......

(Hinatas got some fangirls)

At first they were just watching but what happened today kind of shocked me.

(Anyways back to me writing shitty again bc I don't have the energy for this shit)

"Anyways the bells about to go so let's get to practice before Daichi kills us" Kageyama said I just nodded as we walked to the gym from our 5th period classroom when we got there those same two girls were there we got changed and headed out I started practicing receives with Noya and Kageyama was doing setter stuff with Suga me and Kageyama kept flirting during practice so they split us up and I wasn't happy about it when we were taking a break I walked over to him slowly so no one notices but Tanaka did "no you don't shrimpy!" He said to me as he picked me up putting me over his shoulder and carrying me away "H-HEY TANAKA PUT ME DOWN!" I shouted at him as I giggled he let me slip down a bit holding me by my legs as he jumped and ran around "TANAKA YOURE GONNA DROP ME!"
"OI BALDY DONT BREAK HIM WE NEED HIM!" Coach Ukai shouted as Tanaka put me down shouted I'm not bald.

(That was chaotic and random but whatever)

After practice I walked over to Kageyama finally being able to talk to him I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by one of the girls "Hi your names Hinata right!?" She said her voice was really high pitched and annoying she sounded really bratty "oh yeah why?" I asked "I have these for you!" She said running of and coming back with a bunch of red heart balloons a huge teddy bear and a box of chocolates my face heated and I'm assuming I went bright red because the whole team was laughing cheering and going "Ooooo whip wooo Hinata's quite the charmer" and stuff "oh umm t-thanks" I said rubbing the back of my head "yeah no probs it's from me and my nerdy friend over there anyways my number is on the chocolate box so text me!" She said then walked off as soon as they left the whole team swarmed me asking me a bunch of questions Kageyama was just stood at the back awkwardly I pushed passed them said bye then me and Kageyama walked home.

"Do you want me to carry that for you?" He asked clearly seeing I was struggling but I just said no when we got home my moms eyes widened at the sight of her son buried with gifts "Ooo did Tobio buy you these~" she said Kageyama just chucked off his she's rolled his eyes then walked upstairs "I guess not then....ARE THEY FOR ME!?" She asked excitedly "no some girls gave them to me.." I told her "Awwww- wait ew why?" She said I just shrugged as I walked up the stairs and into my room I set the balloons down put the teddy on the bed and grabbed the box of chocolates and my phone I started typing the phone number into my phone when Kageyama said "you're seriously going to text her?!" He asked "Yeah? Have you got a problem with that?" I asked him "I mean I'm your boyfriend so yes I do" he said sitting up giving that look he gives me "don't give me that look" I told him he just pouted "Tobio...." I said he just pouted even more "it's not a big deal I'm pretty sure she just wants to be friends" I told him

"Ugh well I'm jealous....." he said "I don't care" I said kissing him on the forehead

This was supposed to come out ages ago but like I'm tired so yuh

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