Chapter 64

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Hinata's PoV
Miwa decided to go back to Tokyo so it was just the four of us again my dysphoria has just gotten even worse I don't want to bother Kageyama about it since he's already stressed my binders are getting pretty worn out as well.

Kageyama said he had to talk to me about something really important my mom was at work and Natsu was at the neighbours so it was just us we sat on my bed then Kageyama got out about three letters and a few pictures I just looked at him confused "my dad wants me to move to Tokyo....." he said quietly I just stared at him "w-what?" I started he was about speak but I cut him off "WHAT NO YOU CANT W-WHAT IF MY DYSPHORIA GETS BAD AND YOUR'RE NOT HERE WHAT IF I HAVE ANOTHER PANIC ATTACK.....YOU'LL MISS EASTER AND NATSU'S BIRTHDAY TOBIO YOU'LL MISS MY BIRTHDAY-" I was going to carry on when he stopped me "I don't want to go but Miwa's there and my parents and I can live at my grandmas house and Taro an old friend of mine will live next door and I'll make my dad happy" he said smiling he looked happy and if this is what he wanted to do then I couldn't stop him "what about us?" I asked scared for what he would say "my dad said if I do then I have to break up with you and get with this girl who lives over there her name is Sayu......" he said looking down I tried not to get upset but just couldn't "o-ok if that's what you want then I guess I can't stop you" I said smiling with tears in my eyes I got up and walked to the bathroom shakily locking the door and sitting against it tears rolling down my face I calmed down and came out the bathroom sitting back down on the bed Kageyama's eyes were red and puffy "this is her" he said handing me a picture of a blonde haired girl with blue eyes "she's really pretty!" I said trying to be supportive and happy "you're not sad?" He asked me I just shook my head trying not to cry "so you want to break up you're ok with this?" He asked again with tears in his eyes "Tobio if this is what you want to do I'm not stopping you" I said

"Ok fine"

"Fine" I said then just sat there tears rolled down from his face but he quickly wiped them away letting out a sigh "well ok then!" He said jumping up as if nothing had ever happened "do you want lunch Hinata?" He said asking me normally he would call me by my first name or a nickname I couldn't believe that he was actually going through with this is this how much he wants to impress his father "oh uhh yeah just make anything call me when it's ready!" I said sniffing and wiping my face with the sleeve of the hoodie I was wearing he walked out of the room I felt so weird and sad the fact he was leaving me the fact he was throwing everything away to impress his father I decided to walk downstairs and watch some tv he sat next to me once the food was ready he handed me a bowl of noodles he was going to kiss me but immediately stopped and moved away sitting on the other side of the couch. A couple of minutes later my mom and Natsu came through the front door Natsu ran upstairs quickly assuming she had a new toy or something my mom closed the door and sat in the middle of us "ha what's wrong with you two looks like you've been crying" she said chuckling we both just looked down "mom....." I started she just looked at me concerned Kageyama ran into the bathroom quickly I heard quiet sniffs coming from the door I told my mom what had happened and the smile on her face faded away she just nodded.

I decided to go on a walk to clear my mind I was at the park when I heard someone who sounded Kageyama shouted my name I turned around to see it was him he ran up to me and started explaining "I just called my dad telling him I don't want to go he shouted at me and called me all these names but I don't care I want to stay here with you I don't want to leave you!" He said hugging me tightly I hugged him back.

We walked home holding hands and came through the door to see my mom watching tv on the couch she turned around staring at us holding hands "ha if I could break up and make up with someone that fast your dad wouldn't be in Tokyo" she said chuckling but then stopped turning around and staring at us eyes wide open

"Mom!" I shouted

Ew I wrote the last part on the bus and my friend asked if she's dead she's not dead anyways thanks for all the read I appreciate it also next chapter is going to be:


I think his name is Kento idk

The secrets we keep[trans Hinata x kageyama]Where stories live. Discover now