🥀Miu Iruma x Reader: I Thought We Were Partners🥀

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a/n: lil miu content for 

(tysm for all the requests! u r literally so awesome<3)

TW:⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠reader suicide/self deprecation⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠⚠

"Oy, (y/n), what's takin' your ass so long?!" You hear Miu call out from behind her "block of genius" as she calls it. She said it was some sort of 'gift' left by Monokuma, and had been obsessing over it for the past two days. She was figuring out different ways to code into it, all the while begging you to help her out with carrying her tools back and forth from her lab each day. It had been nearly a week, you were starting to feel the burn in your muscles as you walked up the stairs to follow Miu's boisterous call. "Coming!" You hollered back up. 

You finally got to the top of the staircase, putting her full and heavy boxes down with a thud as you took a breather. "Hey!" You heard Miu call, showing up in front of you, as you doubled-over and took deep breaths. "W...what..now..?" You huffed. "You better be careful with that stuff! One scratch on these precious babies and I'll feed ya to the hounds, dumbass!" 

You were used to her insults, reminding yourself she didn't really mean it. It was just how she talked, as rude as it was. "Yeah, yeah, I got it. How many more times are we gonna have to do this?" You sighed, standing up and stretching your arms upwards. 

"Does it matter? Just keep helping me, it'll pay off when I discover what's in this hunk'a junk." You let out another sigh, just nodding in response. Based on her answer, she'd be needing your heavy-lifting services for quite a longer while. "Don't gimme that crap! Come on, you should be honored to be helping the great genius Miu Iruma!" She whined, gesturing to herself grandly.

"Of course, of course. Come on, let's just get these to the room already..." You grimaced, picking the box back up again. 

Eventually you made it back to her tinkering room, the giant metal box machine covered in wires that outstretched all across the room. "What a mess..." You sighed, plopping her tools down by the machine. You felt a bop on the head as you stood up, "Careful!" Miu scolded again.

While you tried to enjoy Miu's company, she was really starting to get to you. You knew the way she talked was just her being herself, but it was hurtful. You had never met someone as crude and vulgar as her, and no matter how much you tried to understand her, she always seemed to be pushing you away until she needed something. 

You really liked her, but you were starting to feel unworthy the more she chastised you. 

You watched her busy herself as she worked around the block of gears and wires. She looked like an angel, her hair bouncing around when she moved, her face shifting from expressions of confusion, joy, and rage as she worked the machine. She was gorgeous, you wished you could just be good enough for her, or at least brave enough to shoot your shot.

But instead you watched from the sidelines, just staying around when she needed you, never asking to hang out a while longer or if you could help her out. You felt pretty pathetic. 

You figured you could at least try to talk while she worked, just to pass the time as you watched her.

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