Chapter One

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(A/N: Expect small revisions over time - *6-10-19*)

Chapter 1

It is the dawn of the 17th century. After the assassination of his father, the young King Louis XIII ascends to the French throne. His once peaceful nation is surrounded by enemies on all sides. Within the borders of France itself, Cardinal Richelieu, the King's advisor, plots in secret to seize power for himself. The inexperienced Louis and his new bride, Queen Anne, find themselves without a single friend. Europe is a powder keg waiting to explode in a war that will engulf
the entire continent. And only a few men and one daring women can prevent the coming apocalypse.

It was a task. A simple task at hand. A task no mere man could complete. That being said, only few could complete it. Those few were us: The Musketeers.

"I still don't trust her." I muttered crossly.

"Come on, follow me. When I give the signal, go." Athos told me simply before we submerged into the water, suits and all, ignoring my remark entirely. Whether that was by choice or by habit is still beyond me.

You may be asking yourself: What's a feeble woman doing with the musketeers? Simple answer. I am one.

We moved quickly through the shallow waters with haste. When we arrived at our destination, I was the first to get out of the cold waters with a less than stealthy slosh of sopping boots. A guard had been on watch, eyes tired yet unwavered. One of many we'd have to take out.  He looked around, now alert after hearing the sounds I managed to make after getting out. 

Athos swiftly threw a dagger at his throat, causing him to stiffen before dropping into the water. The splash echoed into the soundless night.

"Move out!" One called. His voice was deep, laced with authority. A few more guards came rushing in, weapons drawn and ready. With little thought or effort, I snuck behind the men who were clueless of what was to come next. 

"Halt!" That's when Athos surfaced. The men were confused to say the least, but ready to attack. Athos pointed behind the stunned men to where I now stood. By then I had shed my helmet, weapon gripped in cold hands. And that's when I struck one of the men who towered over a foot in comparison to me. Like the structure his was, he crumbled with ease. Athos rolled his eyes and I gave a blitheful smirk. As expected, the other guards that had rushed to the scene attacked.
Weapons blazing, we both swiftly took out the group of guards with as little sound as we could muster. I gave the last standing guard a stab in the chest and a swift kick, sending him into the frigid waters. We continued to roll the remaining corpses of the men in the water, leaving no evidence of the scene that had occurred only minutes prior.

"That was quite striking, I must say." I gleamed, breathing heavily.  Athos laughed at me playfully, hand clamping down on my shoulder as a sign of fondness. We turned to go meet the guys when a gun appeared at the side of our heads. 

"Don't." It didn't even take a glance for me to know who it was.
"Getting careless?" Milady continued. I rolled my eyes at the woman. I can't say there was always a time I hated her. She was quite impressive when she wanted to be and I respected her for that. Besides, what's a bit of 'friendly' competition going to hurt?

"A simple hello would work much better next time." Athos joked with a deadly serious tone.

"Where's the fun in that?"

"So help me God, if you point that damn gun at me or him again, I will end you before you can even get the chance to try and pull the trigger." I growled and she put it down, the smirk never leaving her face.

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