Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Chapter 7
It was quite peaceful on board. The only audible noise over the waves crashing again and again gently on the ship were our voices and the creaking of the rickety boards. Faint yells could be heard, yet none of us had the interest to listen.
“The diamonds will be in Buckingham’s personal vault, located in the lowest, most secure level of the Tower, next to the crown jewels.” Athos informed us all as we towered over a map sprawled out in front of us.

“The lock is state of the art. It requires a key that Buckingham carries on his person at all times. Corridor leading out to it is booby-trapped.”

“Oh, I’m glad that’s straight forward.” Planchet said walking in. “Tempt anyone with some bread and cheese, if you…” Planchet quickly caught on as I gave him subtle hints to this. “.. you hadn’t finished the briefing, actually. I’m so sorry. Please don’t tell me off.” Everyone brushed him off and Athos continued on.

“Then it gets worse, a lot worse. We have to cross three stone walls and a moat. And there’s a couple of hundred highly trained soldiers with predilection for not being robbed. Although since Buckingham undoubtedly knows we’re coming, thanks to Milady, that number is likely to be greater.”

“Well this sounds like it’ll be barrels full of fun.” I remarked, sarcasm dripping from my words.

“And why can’t we just tell Buckingham Milady is plotting against him?” D’artagnan asked.

“Because he wouldn’t believe us.” I informed him simply, now occupying myself by trying to balance a dagger on my finger, walking all about the room.
“Why should he? We’re his sworn enemies. Besides, Milady would have made sure.” Athos added on to my comment.

“We can’t outshoot them, but we can outsmart them.” Athos began, looking to all of us. I stopped with my dagger and threw it up, catching it by the handle and putting it away, attention now back on Athos.

“She knows us. What we look like, how we move, how we think.” I returned to my spot next to Athos as he went on.

“There are five of us. So we use-“ Planchet quickly intervened, “Well, there’s six of us actually. If you..” He then shut his mouth as quick as he opened it, realizing no one really cared. I still pitied the poor man.

Milady thought she knew us. But she was going to be proved very wrong.
“That’s how it’s done. And that’s exactly what she’ll expect.” Athos started.

“So we do the unexpected.” I smirked, catching on. Athos nodded in agreement.

“We go in broad daylight. One man hiding in plain sight. With all the extra security, there’ll be a lot of new faces, that’s their weakness. And you, D’artagnan, you’re the wild card. We are the decoys. Now we’ll try and create a distraction, keep them occupied, keep them away from you as much as possible, but, ultimately, it’s down to you. You wanted to be a Musketeer? You wanted to serve France? This is your chance.” Athos said as we all looked to D’artagnan.

And like that, we had our plan and it was a go.
Porthos and Aramis would supply the distraction, planting a fake accident as two feuding men. In the meantime, D’artagnan would be swapped in with one of the guardsmen, Athos and I helping out with that from above the scene.

I smiled down to the two, giving a thumbs up and a cheeky grin as the guards walked off, D’artagnan hidden in plain sight.
“Seems like it’s working so far.” I said to Athos.

“It has to work.” He said, giving a small smile.
As D’artagnan was being captured, the boys and I managed to get our hands on one of the airships. Wasn’t too hard honestly. Another thing I may have forgotten to mention; Planchet would play a big part in our plan. He was the carriage driver that would be taking Milady. Of course we knew she’d flee the moment she heard word of us.
Now, driving one of these things confused me more than anything, but we managed to get it up to the window in which Buckingham had D’artagnan. D’artagnan pointed to us only moments later; Buckingham turned his head, shocked to see us. I gave a small smile and a wave before Porthos shot off the cannons, blowing a massive hole in the wall sending debris flying everywhere. Aramis shot off smaller cannons that spun around him, continuously blowing off rounds, causing more destruction. Athos fired up the... well- flame thrower, setting the room ablaze.

It was quite the sight to see; and of course I got front row seating. D’artagnan began running as Porthos and I threw bombs in the room, finishing off any guards left. He ran and jumped, just barely clearing the 10 foot jump to the ship. Before he could fall to his death, Athos caught him by his chains, “Permission to come aboard?” D’artagnan joked.

“Granted.” Athos replied with a smile and brought him aboard.

“Now that was awesome!” I said, adrenaline pumping. Buckingham got up to the opening in time to see us fly off, his whole face charred. “See ya later sucker!” I called.
 “ATHOOS!” He called angrily one last time before we took off.

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