Chapter Six

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Chapter 6

Night had fallen and we had returned home hours ago. All was quiet. Only subtle creaks of the old house filled the ears of those intent on listening. The night air drifted in through the open window. Suddenly an abrupt set of knocks came from the door, startling me, causing me to almost jump out of my seat.

“Coming, coming! Hold your horses!” Planchet yelled. “It’s not a matter of life or death, you know?” He complained as he opened the door. There stood the Queen’s lady in waiting, Constance. The young lady D’artagnan had fallen head over heels about. “Actually, it is.”

We were all called into the dining area as Constance explained the situation. Athos, Porthos, Aramis, and I all sat around the table while D’artagnan and Constance stood facing each other, backs to us.

“You want me to go to England, retrieve the diamonds, which the Queen suspects might be in Buckingham’s possession, which will naturally involve breaking into some heavily fortified, highly impregnable facility?” D’artagnan questioned, basically going over just about what she had said previously.

She nodded. “The Tower of London. Since the Cardinal’s spies are trying to implicate the Duke, it is the most logical choice.” Well this was going to be fun. We all listened in on the ongoing conversation.

“Then return to Paris with every soldier, assassin, mercenary, bounty hunter, on both sides of the Channel out to stop me from doing so. Did I miss anything?” D’artagnan asked. This sounded like something I would gladly like to accomplish.

“All in five days.” Well, I knew from that point on, I was on board.

“A minor detail.” He remarked. ”Anything else?”

She shook her head. “No.”

“Well, I really only have one question for you. Why in the world would I do that?” At this point Constance had already leaned in and kissed him.

“Took em’ long enough.” I muttered with a smile, rolling my eyes.

“England it is.” He said, star struck.  He turned to all of us. “Diamonds, Buckingham, Tower of London, five days, Queen’s reputation and the fate of France as we know it. Who’s with me?”

Athos looked to each of us, then Porthos stood.

“I should imagine the Queen would be quite generous. Count Porthos. Hmm? What do you think? Got a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? Besides, I hear the English women are a lot like a frosted bottle of champagne. Ice on the outside, but once you warm them up…” I rolled my eyes at the man. Aramis stood,

“This isn’t a great cause, but it’ll have to do.” Aramis pulled out a stash full of weapons. Planchet tried reaching out to examine one of the weapons but Porthos quickly smacked his hand away.

“Well, I’m in.” I smirked.  “It’s been a good while since we’ve been faced with something as dangerous as this.”

“Buckingham’s there, so is she.” Athos remarked. My smile faded a bit at this.

“Who?” D’artagnan questioned.

“Countess de Winter. Charlotte Backson. Anne de Breuil. Lady Clarick.”

 “Milady.” I ended for him.

“Milady? I know her. I saw her with Rochefort.” D’artagnan said.

“She’s switched sides again. Working for the Cardinal, no doubt.” Porthos added.

“What are you going to do if you catch her?” D’artagnan inquired.

Before any of us could answer, we were interrupted by an echoing voice from outside.
“Musketeers, open up and surrender by order of the Cardinal!” I rushed to the window, the boys in tow.

“You were followed.” Aramis stated angrily.

“It’s Rochefort.” I announced, seeing him and a small army of men outside our door.

“Athos, Porthos, Alexis, Aramis, and D’artagnan, surrender your weapons and no harm will come to you.” They offered.

“Bullshit.” I whispered before we gathered up a plan to ditch this place and the guards before we were killed.

“Planchet, occupy them.” I ordered.

“Wha- how?!” He asked incredulously.

“Figure it out!” I whispered gruffly as I helped pack up our things quickly.

“Light the torches!” We heard being yelled outside.

“Come on, they’re going to burn us out.” Athos said as he ushered us out the door. We all hopped onto our horses as Planchet had them distracted. He had poured the pot on Jussac’s head, leaving him sopping wet.

“Oh! Sorry! Didn’t see you there!”  I was laughing ridiculously as we bolted out the doors and past the armed men.

“Later suckers!” I called after us. Gunshots rang in our wake as we rode on, one just barely skimming my shoulder.

We had arrived at the Calais ports. Bells rang and men called out as we hid behind piled up supplies.

“Jussac, and a lot of help. There’s no way past.” Aramis informed as he walked up to us.

“How the hell did he get here so fast?” Porthos questioned. We looked on to see Jussac scanning for us, men on horses riding past.

“Now what?” D’artagnan asked.

“We need a distraction.” Athos stated.

“I can do it.” I suggested. “I’m fast; they won’t be able to catch me.”

“No, Alexis we need you with us.” Athos said.

“I’ll go.”

“I’ll go.” Aramis and Porthos offered.

“I could go.” We all looked to Planchet. “Probably not..” He said shaking his head.

“Wrong. Wrong on all counts. You need every sword where you’re going. I can’t help you there, but I can help. Right here, right now.” Constance put forth. Of course we all knew D’artagnan would be against this.

“If they catch you-“

“They won’t."

“If they catch you-“

“I’m the Queen’s lady-in-waiting. You, on the other hand are a wanted fugitive, and about to steal from the most powerful man in England. Which one of us should be worried?” She had a pretty strong point. “Go. Go so that you can come back.” The two kissed sweetly and I couldn’t help but smile to them. Planchet did a double take and gasped at them, causing me to chuckle at the shocked man.

“Now give me that hat.”
She dressed herself in D’artagnan’s clothes and took off on his horse. The plan definitely worked because the men took quick notice.

“D’artagnan! Get after him!!” They sped off after the horse, giving us the chance to now come out from our cover.  Planchet was our pack mule and followed slow behind, our luggage stacked on his back.

“Wait!” He called after, realizing he fell behind.

"Come on!" I called after, laughing as he almost stumbled. "Let me help you out." I offered, still laughing, taking a few things from him as we boarded.

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