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(Back to the present)

As much as the boys loved to hear that he found her. Irene was not what the boys were imagining. First of all, this girl can barely dance.

'its horrible. I had to hold in my laughter for the whole time.' Minho thought

"So are we going to our hideout or...?" Jisung asked

"You guys go ahead, I need to show Hyunjin something" Irene said

'As expected' Jeongin mumbled.

Felix checked the time and saw that it was almost break for Y/N.

She tapped Minho on the shoulder and pointed at his invisible watch.

"Me and Felix have to go somewhere too" Minho said

"UGH" Changbin and Jisung said at the same time.

"We never really get to hang out these days, Irenes always stealing Hyunjin away and now Minho's stealing Felix?!" Changbin exclaimed.

"Hes not stealing me. We just need to find out some stuff, we will tell you guys later dont worry" Felix said back.

"Lets go Jeongin" Seungmin said while pulling his arm.

"NOOOooooooo" Jeongin said loudly but as they were walking away it became quieter.

Chan left to go give some therapy class to some kids and Changbin + Jisung went to the hideout.

Those two ended up just yelling at each other, mostly Changbin. Jisung was too busy yelling at the picture frames. (the ones with Minho in it)

(Y/N's POV)

My class isn't that bad as I thought. Half of them even pay attention and the teacher has been giving up every five seconds.

But there were girls simping over Ten which grossed me out but I didn't say anything for obvious reasons.

Something you never think would happen.

*ring ring ring*

Finally, I can go eat!

As I walked out of the classroom I see Felix waiting for me.

"there you are!"

"hello! how long were you standing there?" I asked

"Not that long" He said back "Come on. My other friend is going to join us, is that okay with you?"

"yeah thats fine"

"Hello" The dude said

"Oh.." I pointed at him "You're that guy"

"Yeah, I'm that guy" He said while putting my finger away from his face.

We ate and it was kinda quiet but I didn't really mind it and just shoved my food in my mouth.

"Nice bracelet" Minho said

I looked at it and smiled "oh thanks!"

"Where'd you get it?...." Felix asked

"from a friend when I was younger" I said while smiling.


'Could Hyunjin be THAT friend?' Felix thought. 'Aish why do I care so much'

"why?" I asked because maybe they knew hyunjin...

"Oh nothing" They said

"While we are on that topic..." Once I said that they looked at each other "do you guys recognize the bracelet? Be honest."

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