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(Y/Ns POV)



"So... I want to ask for a favor" She said while going to the door to lock it.

"What does the favor have to do with locking the door"

"Omg" She whispered but I heard. I rolled my eyes at the response.

I looked at her wrist and saw the bracelet.

I scoffed "what'd you use?" I said while grabbing her wrist to touch the bracelet. "A 3D printer? Cuz if you did I would love to borrow it so I can steal part of your identity too" I said

"Oh, so you do know. Hyunjin wasn't lying" She said.  "Then listen up, just play along with this ok?"

"Why should I. He should be told the truth and not be used by someone like you" I said back

"Like me?" She said "at least he likes me."

"Because you stole my identity. How did you do it? Your names Irene anyways"

"Just some skills of mine and his moms" she whispered the last part.

Why would his own mom be a part of something like that?

I pushed her against the wall. 

"you think this is funny?"

"Never said it was" She said while pushing me back. "just disappear and everything will be fine"

"Since you suggested it, I won't do as you say" I said while giving her a small smile.

"That's up to you then. I'll just make your life feel like hell until you know you place" She said while poking my forehead.

I grabbed her arm and twisted it. "It already is so I don't know how you can change that"

She then whispered this in my ear that made me furious. "Oh right, because of your parents who left you by yourself"

I couldn't take it.

I slapped her across the face.

When I did that the door opened to reveal the Hyunjin of course. Who else could it be?

How'd he find them? Irene sent him a text to come up to the dance room so he can teach her some more moves.

"Irene! Are you okay? Are you out of your mind?!" He said to Irene then to me.

I scoffed. I can't take this.

"It's not my fault that she's being a bitch" I yelled.

I looked at Irene and she started to act soft. Wow wtf.

"She started hitting me for no reason and I was just trying to reason with her" Irene said back.

Hyunjin walked toward me and looked me in the eye.

"Did you not remember what I said yesterday? Or are you being a jerk?" Hyunjin said

I ignored him because I knew if I said something then I might slap him too.

"You know, I actually feel really bad for you." I said before walking toward to exit. "Oh and thanks for taking the bracelet back."

When I exited the room I bumped into Minho.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"No. Thanks you all of you guys" I said before walking off.

All these years I have waited and searched for him. And this is what I get in return?

I should have listened to ten and move on. I mean I meet him again right? That's the only reason for the bracelet.

(1 week later)

Ever since that day I have tried to be productive and forget about that.

It hasn't worked, every time I see him my heart just sinks. Minho and Felix has been trying to talk to me but I just didn't want to hear it anymore.

And for Somi, she knew bout everything only because Y/N ranted to her. She's very pissed at him now and is ignoring him too.

Plus, I cant get away from her if I even wanted too.

Kira has been avoiding me for some reason but whatever. She just lost a pretty ass friend.

"Y/N did you finish the English assignment" Kevin asked me.

"Yeah why"

"I forgot my English and need help" He said while giggling. I sighed and took the paper and helped him.

"Kevin, you dont know how to write your name in English and Korean? Wow, not even how are you?"

"OHhH that's what their asking" He said before taking the paper out of my hand and running.

(Hyunjin POV / location: their hideout)

It's been a week since that stupid incident happened and everytime me, Felix, Seungmin, and Felix meet its always quieter than normal. Why are they so pissed about it?

I looked over to Felix who was staring at his phone so intensely.

"Because my friend is ignoring me and I'm, trying to get them to answer" Felix said

"Who is it?"

He didnt answer and gave his phone to Minho

Then Irene walked in. Finally.

"Hey baby" She said before she gave a kiss on my forehead. "Are those boys still being silent?" I just nodded.

"I wonder whose fault it is" Seungmin whispered under his breath but I heard.

"Wait" I scoffed "dont tell me this is about the situation with that brat Y/N" I said which made everyone stop what they were doing and looked over toward me.

"I'm sorry, because of that I lost a pretty good friend because I'm friends with you. She wont even give us a chance." Minho said glaring at him.

"Friends? With her?" Seriously. "Don't tell me you believe Y/N"

They stayed quiet and didnt answer.

I looked over at Irene who looked quite angry.

"I got to him first so hes going to stay as mine." Irene thought

"Are you okay?" I whispered to her. She just nodded.

"Imma go get something to drink" I said because my close friends for years believe HER.

(Dude what does drinking something have to do with his friendship, author?)

When I went to go get a dr. pepper I heard screaming from the classroom across from me.

I looked to see Somi shaking Y/N.

"wake up! You cant be like this forever!" She said to her.

Y/N woke up and fell on the ground.

I didnt notice but a laugh left me so I quickly walked away.

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