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hey guys

If you could could you guys check out my other book too?

I might do a face reveal for the fun of it :)

Now back to the storyyyy besties


"hey" y/n said to hyunjin as they met outside of school

"hey..." he said awkwardly.

the whole situation was just awkward. So y/n decided to start a convo on the way to the cafe.

"how's everything with you and Irene?"

He chuckled. "everything's fine.... she's actually-"

Y/N really did not want to know at all so she said right away. "that's good at least" she said and fake smiled before walking faster

"-Shes coming....."

He cleared his throat and caught up to her.


"woah" y/n said as she looked around at the cherry blossoms around her.

Hyunjin carefully looked at her and a smile crept up on his face.

She turned to him and he didn't notice that he was staring for too long.

Y/N chuckled and walked closer to him slowly.

She lifted up her feet and whispered into his ear.

"your blushing" she said and smiled at him.

He realized what was happening and blinked crazy making her laugh.

"come" she said and signaled with her hand to come forward.

He felt a little embarrassed and awkwardly continued walking.

Hyunjin ran to open the door first at the Cafe.

Y/N waved as she saw everyone there already.

"hey minho, hey jisung" She said and winked

"and you....." she said turning to Irene.

"what about me" she said and scoffed.

"what is someone like you doing here. sitting with us" she said and rolled her eyes making a face of disgust.

She grabbed hyunjins arm. "he invited me" she said and chuckled.

Y/N stared at him and he looked away feeling bad.

Y/N sighed and angrily sat down almost spilling the water.

"sorry.. she wouldn't leave" Minho whispered in her ear

"whatever" she said softly but loud enough for Hyunjin to hear her.

"let's eat, shall we!" Irene said happily.

"ahh" she said signaling for Hyunjin to open his mouth.

This whole hang out was kinda awkward. Jisung and Minho were kinda talking but it wasn't the same.

Hyunjin felt embarrassed but didn't want to show that side of him. "eat it yourself" he said before getting his fork and placing a piece of meet in his own mouth.

Y/N chuckled at his remark.

Irene rolled her eyes. "oh Hyunjin... have you decided"

That sentence made everyone look up. "decide what?" Minho asked out of curiosity.

"if your going to America with me" Irene said making Hyunjin choke on his food.

"America" they all said in union.

Irene nodded. Y/N was feeling a bit sad.

"excuse me for a second" y/n said and headed to the bathroom.

"what's wrong with you Irene?!" Hyunjin said to her.

"you think I'm making it up? you told me" she said and whined.

He tried to remember but he couldn't think of anything.


"what" Irene said confused.

"Leave before you make up anymore shit"

Irene scoffed "you invited me here!"

"and now I'm uninviting you" he said and sighed before standing up to go look for Y/N.

"And before you leave, I just wanted to tell you the reason why your here. It was to help jisung and minhos relationship and mine and y/n. You were just an extra" Hyunjin said making a disgusted face and leaving.

Minho and Jisung blushed and looked down.


short again. but what can we do. I don't have inspo but I also want to post more for you all.

what did you think?

what should happen?

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