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(Third Person POV)

The concert finally ended and everyone was tired from screaming and jumping like those middle schoolers that the school dance.

"How about we all go eat" Jisung asked everyone.

"I don't know..." Y/N said.

Minho sighed and pulled her to the side making Jisung quite jealous.

"Just come. It'll be fun. Hyunjin talked to us that day after you guys talked and he said he's willing to find out the full truth with us. Plus spending more time with us might make him realize that your better than Irene" He said making a gross look at the end.

"I still don't know..."

"Fine, just come this one time. Hmm?"

Y/N nodded and they decided to go eat.

"Brb" Y/N said. "I need to go use the restroom"

"Ok, we'll wait for you here" Somi said and smiled.

She went over to Ten and NCT to congratulate them.

"you guys did so well!!!"

"well it's thanks to our fellow NCTzens in the crowd" Johnny said and winked.

"Y/N, we are going to Marks place to eat and have a movie marathon. Wanna join?" Haechan asked.

"I'll pass today, I'm hanging with a few people" They nodded and I looked over at Ten.

"I saw that Hyunjin guy. He doesn't look that that bad..." He whispered to me causing me to slap him.

-time skip-

"Thank you for the food" Y/N said to the waiter.

"I have to leave early so my friend is going to take over" The waiter said and smiled

They ate the food and everyone's eyes went wider than ever. "THIS IS SO GOOD!"

seating arrangement:

Jeongin, Seungmin, Changbin, Felix, Jisung
Bang Chan, Hyunjin, Minho, Y/N, Somi.

"let's play truth or dare!" Jeongin suggested and everyone agreed.

"Somi, truth or dare" Jisung asked her.

"Dare" She said confidently.

"I dare you to go to that couple and flirt with the women" Jisung said and smirked

"Deal." She gulped and walked over to them.

"Hey is this your sister? She looks very pretty. Are you single?" Somi quickly asked and smiled innocently.

"I'm sorry... hes my boyfriend" She said

"Oh well its okay then" Somi said and quickly left. "I feel so bad" She looked back and saw that the guy was eyeing her.

"Ok Felix, truth or dare" Somi asked


"Boring" Everyone said.

"Do you like anyone?"

He didnt say anything and nodded.

"I knew it! Who is it?!" They asked

He ignored the question "Y/N, truth or dare?"

"umm... t-dare!" She said before drinking water.

"ok so i dare you to-"

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