chapter 4

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"wow Lila you really know the owner of that house??"
Alya fangirled."can I get an interview??"

"Oh I'm sorry, Alya" lie-la smiled apoligatically "but he doesn't like much attention..he only trusts me! I'm his best friend after all!"

I rolled my eyes
Really are these sheep that stupid I mean, she already lied about how Ladybug is her best friend
But I can't afford to be annoyed..
Uncle Jagged had asked me to be in my best formal MDC original clothing, as he is going to introduce me to some famous celebs, today

Honestly, the old Marinette would have been extremely nervous.
But the new Marinette, well she doesn't care at all..she has received all kinds of attention. Whether it be squeeling from my fans, of my different identities or the hateful glares of my classmates..

I wouldn't have minded opening my mansion- like- house to the world, but I know that petty liar would bend the situation to her own profit..
Anyways, I went home after school and wore my best formal clothes

I know it's Penny's idea Uncle Jagged would never ask me to wear 'those weird and so not rock n roll' formal outfits, if he had a say in.

I know it's Penny's idea Uncle Jagged would never ask me to wear 'those weird and so not rock n roll' formal outfits, if he had a say in

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So this is what I wore.
And walked to the hotel he reserved.
I'm pretty sure, he would have sent his limo, if I didn't deny him.
When I reached there was no way I could have gotten inside, the place was covered with press. I heard whispers that sounded like 'Gabriel Agreste' and 'XY'

Oh la la! Gabriel Agreste is here and XY too! I'm so happy!
Note the sarcasm

First I had to deal with a liar in school ( like I always do ) and now I have to deal with Jagged stone's rival ( yeah. That's what the media calls him ) and my once-upon a time role model..who lost his respect from my eyes, when he hired Lie-la to model his designs..ugh!
Could this day get any better..?
"Deep breath, Marinette." Tikki told me sensing my cynical thoughts

I took a deep breath and put on a smile ( real, thankfully ) and pushed myself to the front and showed my identity card to the security and quickly went inside, avoiding the reporters' gaze.

"Mari!! You are here!" A voice exclaimed.

I grinned "Hiya" I said
And before I knew it I was enveloped in a hug by Jagged Stone

"Tom and Sabine, told me about your situation at school." He said

"O-oh..?" I stuttered

He gave me a look. "I also know about your plan to show yourself to the world! So I'm here to help my rock n roll niece to with that plan"

I released a breath, I didn't know I was holding.
I  almost thought he will give me the same advice as Adrian 'take the high road'.

"Well, how are you going to do it?" I asked

"I invited the people, here, to help" he said motioning to a group that just spotted us

AN: another chapter  posted! We stan an uncle like Jagged Stone.

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