chapter 12

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Today's the day! Today's the day I'll spar Kagami and reveal myself as Nettie.
I'll go to Kagami's house right after school.

"Good luck for today, Marinette!" My dad exclaimed "sorry we won't be there."

"It's fine dad! I'm just glad you're on my side"

I was in a super good mood today all worries forgotten, and just excited for the spar..but alas all good times come to an end.

I was pushed into a  classroom right after I stepped foot into the school building. There, half the class was waiting with a few of them wearing murderous expressions.

"What do you want?" I inquired with an intimidating look. They scoffed.

"Oh, we just want to have revenge!" Alix shouted.

What.. revenge what are they talking about..I swear if it's about Lila again-

I was cut off my thoughts by being pushed on the ground by Alya.
"You hurt Lila!"

And there standing in all glory was Lila covered in fake bruises and blood, crying on Sabrina's shoulders who was glaring daggers at me. But if you look close enough, it'll be obvious the sausage-hair was actually smirking. But unfortunately, these sewege infected rats share half a braincell.

And before I knew it, I was getting beaten down by my former friends with Alya taking the lead, now and then. After 10 whole minutes of barely escaping death, I hopped to the nurse's office. But obviously the whole thing was planned through and out. The office was locked and I didn't have enough energy to walk more. So I dropped on my knees, called the first number which happened to be Damian's and whispered "school.. nurse office... bleeding." Totally ignoring his irritated than concerned comments, and finally fainting.

I woke up, seeing white and hearing a familiar voice

"Don't be amused it's just the news. The famous fencer 'Nettie' was found bleeding and beaten down in her school. The student who rescued her, claims, her classmates have done this! Unfortunately Nettie won't be able to reveal her identity today. Due to this change of events the rising Kitty duo's guitarist has cancelled their big concert and reveal and will definitely show their faces in the upcoming style queen and Gabriel brand's fashion show along with Nettie."

I sat bold upright. The noise was coming from the telivision inserted on the wall beside the bed I was sitting on.
I sighed, Damian would have enrolled me in this hospital when I was unconscious.

I sighed again, I remember Adrian was standing in the corner doing nothing when I was fighting for my life, getting hit and all. I'm such a disappointment the spar and concert were cancelled because of me. Luka and Kagami were looking forward for these events. And they have to wait all because of me!

..I was bawling my head by now

But then two figures came rushing to me. Enveloping me in a hug. One was squeezing me, the other stiffen, as if not sure what to do, but then melting in the hug..

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