Coming Out

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Nope nope why now, how do I look, why does Saiki have a ring, is he married?

Saiki facepalmed at this. "Wow hi Saiki! Fancy seeing you at the library.. I was just researching ways to dim the powers under my bandages." Kaidou said avoiding eye contact. Saiki raised an eyebrow.

And that's why you were heading for the Mental Health section? Right.

Unfazed by Saiki's silence since it wasn't out of the ordinary, Kaidou kept speaking. " I wasn't even going to come today but the worry of what would happen if everyone found out about my powers and if they wouldn't accept me wouldn't leave and where else to go for advice than to the library!"

Creative metaphor I'll give you that.

"Oh I shouldn't overshare, why are you here Saiki?" Kaidou asked after this rambling.
"We should get off the floor," was all Saiki said.

"Oh haha yeah.." Kaidou said before he sprung to his feet at what was actually insanely fast for the usually snail paced boy. Saiki must of sat there just staring for fractionally too long because Kaidou's expression turned concerned and he stuck his hand down. "Need a hand up?" he asked shyly.

Now on a normal day Saiki would definitely say no but Saiki doesn't have any normal days.

Fuck it


Well that's an overreaction if I've ever heard one. Kaidou's hand is not unpleasant though, I am sure he uses his sister's moisturiser.

Grip now secure, Saiki attempted to haul himself off the floor with Kaidou's help. Except Kaidou can only ever be anything but helpful in anything that requires speed or strength. Instead of lifting off the library floor, Saiki landed on it again with a blue haired boy sprawled on his lap after falling forwards.

"AAAAAAAGH," he squealed.
"Keep it down! This is a library!" shouted an authoritarian sounding voice from somewhere else in the library.

It took everything in Saiki's tortured soul to not teleport out of there. They both scrambled to get off eachother but it didn't achieve anything other than Kusuo's bandages getting caught under Saiki's foot. He tugged but to his horror they quickly unravelled.

Kaidou's hands were pretty cute.. his panicking also. But Kaidou not panicking was cuter so Saiki sighed and shut his eyes while Kaidou rewrapped his arms. It isn't like he didn't know what Kaidou looked like under the bandages- he did. He also knew what he looked like under his skin, muscles and bones. But it was a matter of principle and if the bandages were that important to Kaidou then he supposed he could pretend.

"Without the bandages, we will be in so much trouble," Kaidou shakily muttered. Saiki smiled a little at the ridiculousness. What? He can smile ya'know!

Saiki decided to get off the floor then and wordlessly walked towards the bookcase he needed. Kaidou rubbed the back of his head bashfully before following.

It felt frustrating to be so close to Saiki and not being able to touch him. Kaidou was just itching to give him a poke, just to check he were alive. Saiki rolled his eyes at the other's antics before his eyes found the book he were after.

If he truly wanted to make Kaidou feel better about himself he needed to do this confidentally. So with a fast swish he grabbed Homosexuality: A guide off the shelf and brought the book hanging by his side.

Kaidou's eyes followed the whole thing and it was quite comical how his mouth swung right open. Saiki gave a mischievous smirk which caused Kaidou's eyes to bulge. "What? Hadn't heard of gay people?"

"No no that's not it!" Kaidou immediately said. "I just didn't know YOU were gay!"

I can have some fun with this.

"What do I not seem cool enough to be gay? I didn't know you were so mean Kaidou." Saiki said in a flat voice. (His voice were always flat though but he didn't know that.)

NOOO I've given him the wrong impressionnnnn how do I fix this!!!

"I'm gay too!" Kaidou blurted out red faced before slapping both hands over his mouth. He wasn't sure how Saiki would react and he kind of didn't want to know so he screwed his eyes shut.

Will he think I'm lying? Or copying him? I hope not!

Saiki just gave him a pat on the back and said "Good for you, that makes the two of us," with the ghost of a smile on his face. Kaidou wasn't quite sure what to say so he took to staring at the neon pink book Saiki was holding.

"Need this? Ah this one seems similar," Saiki said handing a similarly titled book from the shelf to Kaidou. Their fingers slightly brushed and Kaidou felt as if electricity had spiked him.

"ThanksalotgottagoseeyouinschoolSaiki!" he garbled before moving with unKaidou like speed for the second time that day out of the library.

Saiki just shrugged, checked out the book (in the self checkout of course) and teleported home.

The next time he was in school, Kaidou seemed to be avoiding him. Saiki was a bit worried so decided he'd look for him if he didn't appear before the end of the day. Luckily there were no need because Kaidou ran up to Saiki seat on the lunch table, dropped something in his lap and then ran out. Saiki could only hear one thought from him before he ran off again.

I hope he sees the lid!

Slightly intrigued Saiki looked down and found.. coffee jelly! And not just any coffee jelly but the insanely good kind.

This must've been expensive for him..

Even better than the coffee jelly however was the writing on the lid (Saiki would of never guessed he'd ever feel that way about anything but coffee jelly but here we are.

'Saiki, I kind of really like you and since I now know you're gay too I have to ask, will you go out with me?' was written in a black marker on the lid of the coffee jelly. It didn't take long for other people in his class to notice the delivery.

"Wow what's this!" Nendou exclaimed plucking the dessert out of Saiki's hands.

Damn him!

It was a good thing Nendou couldn't read or he'd of undoubtedly read the whole thing out loud. But this is Nendou so Saiki just took the dessert back and sent a glare his way. It didn't do anything to the oaf but it made him feel better nonetheless. It wasn't until the end of the end of the day that he had the chance to catch up to the blue haired boy.

He can be evasive when he wants to be.

He ended up having to teleport behind him as Kaidou tried to sneakily walk home. Kaidou looked behind himself in surprise when he felt someone grab his hand. "About your question... I say yes," Saiki offered.

Kaidou looked like he was about to combust for a whole minute before he whooped and tightened his grip on Saiki's hand. "Hurrah! Ive gained a sidekick!" he squealed in excitement as he swung their hands and skipped.

What have I gotten myself into?  Can't say I regret it at all though.

Crushing on a Psychic (Saiki x Kaidou)Where stories live. Discover now