Trip gone wrong

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Well..crap. Now I've got to figure out what this means. Right so, it's clear I'm sexually attracted to this character. Meaning I must be somewhat sexually attracted to men. No problem, there's no issues with me being gay, it's just a bit sudden. Especially considering I only found out Kaidou was gay recently. And then there's the problem. Am I attracted to this character by coincidence or is it because he resembles Kaidou? And if it is because he resembles Kaidou what does that mean? And now the immediate issue, what to do about my boner?

Saiki tackles the problem in a way he would describe as unconfrontational but anyone else would tell him he was chickening out of a gay wank. He used his powers to turn back the state of his body by 24 hours and sighed in relief when he felt his bits as droopy as ever.

Okay now that is tomorrow's problem.

Despite having told himself he would throw the confusing comic out, Saiki found he couldn't bring himself to. He rationalised this by assuming it was because he thought it could come in handy with Kaidou again.

Yes that's the only reason..

At least that's what he told himself. If Saiki thought he could ignore his homosexuality until tomorrow he was mistaken.

Since the day had been so confusing Saiki decided having a nap was the best decision. For all his powers, Saiki wasn't an exception to laziness. That way the next day he could wake up a lot earlier and have more time to decide how to face Kaidou in school.

Saiki awoke and sat up.

What sort of a dream was that?!

He remembered it starting off normally. He had just found a new coffee jelly cafe made entirely of coffee jelly. Saiki had gotten to work eating as much as he could when the coffee jelly swallowed him and he was transported into a cafe.  At this point, the dream was centred around coffee jelly as many as his dreams were but then that changed.

Kaidou interrupted Saiki's feasting by tapping him on the shoulder. It turned out Kaidou was a waiter at this cafe and wanted to help Saiki finish his coffee jelly. Saiki however refused not wanting to share so Kaidou offered something in return. What happened next was a mess of blushing, gasping and touching. Which took us to where we were now. Saiki awake in bed having came in his pants.

Kill. Me. Now. Well there is no denying it, I'm sexually attracted to Kaidou. Great, just great. How am I even supposed to enjoy coffee jelly after a dream like that?

Saiki was being just a little dramatic as it would take a lot more than that to get him to stop enjoying coffee jelly (boy was mega obsessed). With a grimace plastered on his face the whole time, Saiki cleaned himself up. Once he was all clean again, he's found himself simply too moody to do anything about this revelation concerning Kaidou. He'd just have to get to that part later and besides the being gay part would surely keep him busy for a while.

His knowledge on homosexuality was strictly scientific and while the science is helpful, Saiki found he was lacking the emotional knowledge he'd need to process and live with this newfound information. And so he went to the place he knew stored basically all information. The library.

Once he had arrived, (an arrival that could've been sped up if he hadn't gone to a nearby cafe for some coffee jelly beforehand) he made a point to avoid eye contact with everyone- something he did usually but today he was making a conscious effort. There weren't that many people around anyways, Saiki could hear the stressed thoughts of a college student, the frustrated complaints of a father with their young and very immature child and the tired thoughts of an old man. It would of been quiet had the college student not been there. Their thoughts were an absolute train wreck and Saiki felt a bit depressed just listening to them. He found it difficult to browse and ignore the constant flow of self hatred ebbing out the poor kids brain.

Are you kidding me...

Despite every thing he does pointing to the contrary, Saiki does believe that he's quite patient. But even he couldn't deny that whipping his ring out and on his finger with that speed was a bit unnecessary.

He sighed in relief as the library became quiet, how literally everyone else experiences them. Now he could get to browsing the shelves. He came across the section he was looking for and started making for it. He was walking between two bookshelves for the opening at the end had the section he was after right behind it.

Since he did have his ring on, Saiki was completely unaware of who was walking from the side of the section he was after. If he had known then he'd have for sure teleported straight out the library.

Ouch, some people really need to check where they're walki-

Oh dear, I should of been looking in front of me- oh.

The two of them both recovered from their bashing into each other at the same time which lead to some very awkward eye contact.

What the hell is wrong with this universe's timing?

The ring got pulled off just as quickly as it had been put on. Having it on was just too dangerous right now, he'd learnt his lesson.
He was one of the many poor souls who fell victim to the belief nothing interesting happens in the library. How naive.

Crushing on a Psychic (Saiki x Kaidou)Where stories live. Discover now