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Ouch I wonder if his neck is alright. Oh crap he's staring at me. Did I say anything weird? Is there something on my face? Wait what if a massive pimple just appeared and immediately popped and sprayed green goo everywhere and I'm yet to notice but he has and he's wondering whether to tell me about it or not but he can't decide so all he can do is stare- oh he's stopped looking.

Bleh I do not like where those thoughts are going. And what? My hair is absolutely normal today. I made sure of it. I changed human genetics so that my hair wouldn't stand out and yet Kaidou considered it pretty? My hair is ordinary, not too shiny and not too messy. His hair is much more appealing, with its floofy softness. I should also be more careful, he noticed me turning and staring at him. These are not mistakes I can afford to make and I shouldn't be in the first place as a psychic. Good grief I hope I figure out the problem soon.

After that Kaidou's thoughts went back to how they usually were, about his magic powers. They remained like this until they had arrived.

Oh god, we're here already! Ahh I cannot mess up in here, this is where he lives after all! I wonder what his room is like though? Ha as if I'd ever get to see it, I don't really deserve to.

Deserve? My room's nothing special? Why on Earth is Kaidou so worked up about me? Our interactions have been of utter normalcy recently. Well as normal as they could ever be with Kaidou.

''Wow buddy your house looks the exact same to last time I visited!'' Nendou said in awe.

...You visited literally yesterday.

''This is a prime house location in the city! Very centre, so you'll be able to help protect the citizens from Dark Reunion from all sides!'' Kaidou praised.

Well at least he's still acting like himself to a degree.

Nendou and Kaidou squabbled over whether Saiki's house or 'the ramen place' were in a better destination, Saiki subtly unlocked his front door with his powers.
''Oh Saiki, you're home!'' came the merry voice of Saiki's mother as she went to greet him. Upon seeing his companions she burst into tears.

Oh my god it's the pimple isn't it, she's crying because of that, oh no.

Has Kaidou had some pimple trauma recently!?

''Oh my, Saiki has two friends! This day is wonderful!'' hiccuped Saiki's Mother through tears. Saiki could only roll his eyes at her antics. ''What's all the commotion about?'' questioned Saiki's dad as he stuck his head around the kitchen door.

..Great it'll be the both of them now.

Kaidou looked incredibly lost as he stood in the Saiki doorway with the pair of parents blessing him and his family while sobbing. Nendou didn't seem to care.

Wow so Saiki inviting people round is even rarer than I thought! I'm one of the lucky few..for now.

Stop being so depressing!

''Hey, buddies parents? Do you have any ramen?'' asked food centred Nendou.

Saiki's mum bustled the three into the kitchen and began preparing them some ramen.

''So boys, how's school been?'' she asked pleasantly making conversation as her son glared from his seat at the table.

''As good as it can be, when you're constantly watching and waiting for attack,'' Kaidou fake muttered.

''Oh you poor thing! Are you being bullied Kaidou!'' Saiki's mum gasped.

''If you're being bullied then you should carry garlic with you! The stink wards them off!'' recommended Saiki's dad intelligently as he walked into the kitchen too.

That's vampires dad.

''Wait no I'm not being bullied! I'm just talking about my superpowers and responsibilities as this city's protector!'' fumbled Kaidou trying to save himself from the embarrassing misunderstanding.

''Yes, believe you're special no matter what the bullies tell you!'' exclaimed Saiki's mum as Kaidou sunk further and further into his seat. Nendou giggled behind his hand.

My life is..over. This is so embarrassing! Saiki must think I'm so stupid and his parents must think I'm weak! If only they knew the power under my bandages.

Mhm..right Kaidou.

Kaidou was spared from further embarrassment as the ramen was done. He slurped at his a lot more gloomy and unenthusiastic compared to the endless stomach besides him.

''This is so good buddy's mum! You should totally work in a ramen shop!'' slurped Nendou.

I'm not sure if ramen shop is the dream career Nendou.

Saiki's mum only laughed at that before exiting with Saiki's dad leaving the three alone in the kitchen.

''So what will we do?'' asked Kaidou in between a mouthful.

*Please not homework..please not homework..please not homework.*


''Why don't we play a video game?'' Saiki quietly suggested.

''Great idea! It would be awesome training!'' exclaimed Kaidou.

And it sounds like a lot of fun! I better make the most of this opportunity.

''What games you got best bud,'' asked Nendou scratching his chin.

''Nothing that good,'' muttered Saiki as he led them to his room.

Gah I bet anything Saiki has is amazing.

Not really. You'll be disappointed.

''Wow! You and I play the same video games Saiki!'' Kaidou said while eyeing his collection with surprise.

My mum doesn't let me spend much money on games because she thinks they aren't important..I can't believe Saiki's the same!

Well if it makes him feel better then yeah sure.

''I've never heard of any of these games before buddy. You've got some electric taste,'' commented Nendou.

''It's eccentric not electric you dumbass!'' Kaidou shouted at him.

As their argument continued Saiki set up the game he'd chosen. Since he didn't have three controllers, he used his powers to switch some money with one of Kaidou's controllers. Now he had just had to hope he wouldn't notice.

As Saiki passed the controllers out he and Kaidou's hands brushed. Saiki wouldn't of acknowledged the touch if Kaidou's reaction hadn't been so strange. Kaidou froze, his thoughts silent and stared at Saiki with wide eyes before blushing and practically snatching the the controller of of him.

''Thanks,'' he quietly mumbled, not meeting Saiki's eyes.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god why did I have to act so weird, but why was his touch so warm, oh but now he'll definitely realise I mean how couldn't he, that was the gayest reaction ever!

''Aw Kaidou's gone all shy!'' Nendou teased.


Crushing on a Psychic (Saiki x Kaidou)Where stories live. Discover now