The Yaoi Manga

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So all of this panic's been over..being gay? I'm surprised it took me so long to find out, this seems like a big concern for Kaidou. But why? I've never showed any hatred or prejudice towards homosexuality? Why's he so on edge? Why can't Kaidou make sense, every once in a while? I'd sure appreciate it.

''Yo we should totally get playing,'' said Nendou unaware of the weird atmosphere in the room.
''Y-yeah! So I can beat you of course!'' Kaidou said, without his usual vigour. This was going to be a long day for both Kaidou and Saiki.. As the game loaded up Kaidou's eyes never left the screen, and his hands were gripping the controllers way too hard to be comfortable.

Just don't look at him and he won't notice a thing! Ahaha who am I kidding? Saiki's way too smart to not notice anything.

Smart huh? Well Kaidou's not wrong but that's the issue. My grades are of average and when I do talk it isn't any sort of intellectual balderdash.

The game they were was a particularly frustrating one. Saiki himself hadn't had the patience to get through it. It was supposedly better in multiplayer mode but Saiki still didn't have very high hopes. He shouldn't of worried. Kaidou was incredible, getting them through levels with ease, and doing the majority of their players' work too.

He seems to be taking out his frustrations on the opposing characters. Quite impressive Kaidou.

I'm glad Saiki chose this game, I've gone through it countlessly. Hopefully this will impress him..

I'm certainly impressed Kaidou.

After they decided to stop, Nendou was adamantly trying to argue he was the winner since the amount of 'element crystals' he had collected was closer to the number 1 and therefore he was first. Kaidou argued back, still red and trembling though.

He's still not relaxed, this is so irritating. What to do, what to do? Aha now that's an idea! It may backfire, but that's future me's problem.

Saiki excused himself for the restroom, grabbing some money off his shelf as he passed. Now was the embarassing part.. Once in the hall, Saiki crossed his eyes and used his clairvoyance to view the inside of a store, eyes searching for the manga. He then used his powers to switch the money he had with him for a rather saucy looking Yaoi.


He slinked back into his room and subtly propped the magazine on the shelf on his way in. He then manipulated Kaidou's mind into being very interested in that shelf. ''Ah!'' Kaidou gasped, a blush creeping up his neck.
''What?'' Nendou said with a confused expression. Well his confused expression was just his normal face since he was confused 24/7. ''Hmm?'' Saiki hummed. ''Oh haha nothing,'' Kaidou nervously stammered trying to laugh it off.

What on Earth is Saiki doing with that sort of comic? Is he.. like me? Wait do I have a chance? He likes guys? No no no stop jumping to conclusions. Who knows why he owns a Yaoi. But the logical assumption is that he like guys right? And why did he leave that out like that. Doesn't he hide his Yaoi from his parents? Or do they know? Lucky..

Have a chance? Who knows what he means. Well at least he's feeling better. Knowing Kaidou this cheeriness should last until tomorrow so my work for today is done.

After politely sending the two out of his house, Saiki found himself bored. Actually bored wasn't a strong enought word to describe the the pure lack of entertainment or things to do Saiki was suffering from. Well he'd just have to make one. Saiki used his mind cotrol powers to alter the minds of all humans to believe in the existence of the word gurduk. It's used as a verb and describes being a whole new level of bored. It also has a noun form: gurdukdrem.

Well now I've done that I'm back to being gurduked.

Saiki's eye caught the lewd comic.

Well.. I am only curious and anything would beat this gurdukdrem.

Saiki found the plot to be..not that bad actually. He did cringe at parts, the main relationship didn't seem to be very healthy. He did have high standards though since his parents were literally two of the most in love people on the planet (he had found that out when he was going through a past phase of gurdukdrem).

Ah it is getting to that part now..

Saiki felt completely indifferent about all of the pornographic content he'd seen so far. He did feel a little fascination though since he knew that if another male had his powers they'd be using them to see all around them naked.

Now that I think about it.. that character resembles Kaidou quite a bit.

Saiki found himself having to regulate his body temperature quite a lot after that revelation. One of the characters really did quite resemble Kaidou, especially when they were pulling a flustered face.

I wonder if Kaidou really does kiss like that? No he'd be more shy surely.

Saiki couldn't take his eyes off of the next few pages, which included quite a lot of undressing.

This is quite startling, even their physique resembles Kaidou.

While staring a an image of 'Kaidou's' face where his lips were parted and swollen, eyes unfocused and face sweaty Saiki found he couldn't really look away.

It's only so intriguing because it looks like someone I know of course.

But Saiki couldn't deny his body's reaction and his eyes widened when he felt something that was normally dormant rise.

Crushing on a Psychic (Saiki x Kaidou)Where stories live. Discover now