Something Not Quite Right

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Chapter 1

Your POV:

I sigh as I turn over and slam my fist down on the alarm for it to stop blaring. I sat up in bed and groaned as I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"Another day," I thought to myself.

I swung the blankets off of my body and stood up as I began to make my bed. I walked into the bathroom and looked at my reflection. My drowsiness stood out, along with the dark circles and bags underneath my eyes, making me look older and miserable. My (color eyes) were lifeless and dark, nightmares keeping me awake. These vivid dreams have kept happening ever since I turned 16.

I feel something following me in my apartment, but I find nothing. Cold ghostly touches weren't even the worst of it. The worst was the feeling of being watched while trying to sleep at night or waking up at precisely 3 am repeatedly every week.

I turned the faucet on and cupped my hands together to let the cold water collect in my palms. I splashed the water on my face to wake me up. After that was said and done, I did the rest of my morning routine and walked into the kitchen. I opened the cabinets to find little food left.

"Damnit, I have to go shopping at some point today," I told myself. I lived alone in my apartment near my home town. The area wasn't that terrible; it was average. The busy life on the road made it damn near impossible to cross the street sometimes. But today, it seemed like I was living in a rural area. Barely any cars on the road. "Hm, I should take this as an opportunity."

I snatched my keys and hopped in my car. As I was fixing the rearview mirror, I saw someone peering their head out from around the corner, watching me with big curious blue eyes. Goosebumps littered my skin as I saw them stare back at me in the reflection. I turned my car on and drove toward the person watching me. My heart was in my throat as I turned, but I relaxed when I saw no one there.

"But I could've sworn I saw someone peeking out from the nearby thrift shop, just watching me."

I shook my head and dismissed those thoughts. I made a U-turn and drove in the direction of the market. I glanced back in the rearview mirror again to see someone rounding the corner in haste. Before they completely went around the block, they looked back in my direction again, and we locked eyes briefly until they were out of sight.

"Was that them?"

I couldn't see their facial features. I shook my head and averted my attention back onto the road.

As I arrived at the market, I couldn't shake those blue eyes off my mind. Who the hell was that? I have to keep an eye out from now on. No earbuds in the ears, no texting while walking home from a friend's house, no more taking midnight strolls. One would ask, "Why would you take midnight strolls?" Well, insomnia and the feeling of being watched are two big bitches.

I grabbed a shopping cart and went straight to the cereals. I adjusted my mask as people walked past me. I glanced at their shopping carts with items piled on each other, almost spilling out of the cart. I sigh and lightly shake my head.

The cereal aisle was empty, the cereal was scarce. Probably due to the people hoarding everything they can get their greedy little hands on.

I frustratedly sigh, "When the virus is over, I'm gonna go out partying." I said to myself, hoping no one would hear me. But alas, someone besides me chuckled. My eyes widened as I looked up and saw someone with unique green eyes staring back at me.

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