Narancia's Room

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Chapter 8

AN: Some drama in this chapter
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️ reader is abused and has an anxiety attack. Past trauma is brought up, read at your own risk.

Your POV:

"I'll stay with Narancia." I said.

The young boys eyes lit up and his spirits were lifted in an instant. He jumped up and ran towards me with a huge smile on his face. His ebony hair bouncing with every step he took.

"Yes! Let's go Y/N!" He exclaimed as he dragged me out of the room.

We ran through the halls and giggled as he almost tripped and fumbled a couple of times. We quickly reached his room and we ran inside. Narancia slammed his door shut and belly flopped onto his bed.

He landed face first in the grey pillows and panted, slightly out of breath, "Ugh, I'm so bored, I don't know what to do."

I walked over to his bed and sat down on the plush mattress. He shot up as if he had an 'a-ha' moment, "I got it, know what we can do!" He shouted.

I looked at him and raised my eyebrows in suspense as I awaited his answer.

"We can play video games! Have you heard of (favorite game)?" He asked.

"Yeah I do, I use to watch let's plays of them back in the day." I smiled.

Narancia popped up like a weasel and ran to his gaming console. He popped in the disc and pushed it in. He grabbed two controllers and handed one to me. He sat down on the floor and patted the spot next to him with a warm smile. I sat down on the fluffy carpet next him and returned the smile.

As the loading screen popped up, Narancia got up and went to the mini fridge by his bed and grabbed two sodas and chocolates. He sat back down and placed the items in between us.

As we absentmindedly picked at the food and pausing the game to use the bathroom, we grew tired and decided to stop the game and turn off the console. Narancia popped the disk out and placed it back into its designated case.

He stood up and yawned, "I'm gonna use the bathroom real quick. When I come back, we can figure out what else to do." He said as he sauntered into the bathroom.

I sat on the floor in the same position as I was, pondering what to do next. An idea popped into my head.

I stood up and grabbed the chocolate bars and sodas off the floor and placed them on his dresser.

The sound of the toilet flushing and running water pulled me out of my thoughts. As Narancia walked out, he waddled over to me and I turned to him.

"Hey I have an idea!" I said.

His eyes locked with mine and interest sparked within him.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Why don't we go to the mall!" I suggest.

Narancia's eyes widened and lit up. He jumps up again and shouts, "That's an amazing idea! But, we have to sneak ou-"

"What's going on here?" Abbacchio asked. He snuck into the room without us realizing his presence.

He leaned up against a dresser with his arms crossed over his broad chest, smirking at me.

"Uh-um, we were j-just." Narancia stuttered, feeling intimidated by his teammate.

"Well?" Abbacchio pressed as he raised an eyebrow. He tapped his foot impatiently, waiting for someone to speak up.

I sighed in defeat and decided to answer him.

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