Bruno's Room

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Chapter 6

A/N: It's Bruno's turn 😌💅✨

Your POV:

"So Y/N, what's it gonna be?" Mista asked. "Who's room are you sleeping in?" I paused and thought about my decision. I look up to find everyone's eyes on me.

"Bruno, I'll stay with you." I said.

Bruno offered a soft smile and the approached me with his hand out, "Excellent choice, let us go then." He said. I held his had as he led me down the hallway.

"I just need to stop by my office for just a quick second." Bruno said with a smile that could met your heart. I nodded in response.

As we continued down the long corridor, the air shifted. The atmosphere grew stuffy and cold as the sun began to set. It felt...strange, like I was being watched. Like there was an ominous foreshadowing. I felt eyes following my every move.

I visibly grew uncomfortable as we reached the large oak door. Bruno gave me a concerned look, "Are you alright bella/bello?"

I gazed up into his icy blue eyes, and he stared right back into my (color eyes) searching for an answer.

"I don't know, I feel uneasy at the moment." I said truthfully, not wanting to lie to the human lie detector.

Bruno's expression turned into a frantic and hurt one. His eyes turned sad, "Have I upset you?" He asked with his voice laced with concern.

He looked like he just broke a porcelain plate and got caught by his parents. It was adorable how this man was tough as nails and can snap anyone's neck at any given opportunity, but so sensitive at the same time. He needs to be loved and protected. We need to protect this one.

"No, not at all. You make me feel safe in a way." I said as I hesitated a little bit, since he kidnapped me. Bruno's expression changed slightly and hope filled his eyes.

"I just felt a pair of eyes on me as we were walking down the hallway. Like someone was watching me." I explained getting a shiver on cue.

Bruno's tense posture relaxed as he softly smiled at me with those puppy dog eyes.

"Why, that was me admiring you, cara/caro. I can't keep my eyes off of you." Bruno said lovingly. I smiled up at the man before me, his eyes turning into crescent shapes as he grinned down at me.

He curled his index finger underneath my chin and held the eye contact with me as he spoke.

"I'll bet right back, I just need to organize a couple of things in my room. Just wait out here for me." He withdrew his finger and gingerly walked inside his office and closed the door.

I shakily exhaled, forgetting that I was holding my breath while he kept eye contact with me. I leaned up against the door and sighed dreamily.

He's quite the charmer, I'm surprised he doesn't have a significant other. I surely wou-

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened and I lost my balance. Forgetting that I was leaning up against the door, I fell back and landed on my back painfully. Bruno gasped loudly and came rushing to my aid.

"Ow." I drawled out. I slightly writhed in pain on the cold checkered tile floor.

Loud footsteps could be heard in the distance.

Aw shit, here we go again. I thought to myself.

"Bella/Bello! Are you alright?! Gesù Cristo, mi dispiace!" Bruno cried out so loud his voice echoed throughout the corridors.

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