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"Have you heard from him at all since then?" Cora Reed asked, her expressive round face full of genuine concern and interest. Her soft hazel eyes swept over Esmeray in a protective best friend way as her hand lazily ran through the white curly hair of her beloved Maltese Snowball.

Esmeray never lifted her gaze from the small silver wedding ring. She rubbed her arm slowly, feeling the soreness of the newly healed fracture. She knew Cora was talking about her estranged husband Roy Thornton. It had been a month since she'd seen from him, and if she never saw him again it would be too soon. "Nope sure haven't and in all honesty I could care less. I still can't believe I dropped out of school to marry him. It's been almost three years since then and now look at us."

"He was an asshole anyways. I don't know what you ever saw in him," Cora admitted with a slight shrug, her wavy dirty blonde hair slipping down her shoulder. She shoved her hair from her face and leaned back into the dark blue cushions of the sofa. A smile touched her lips as Snowball climbed into her lap. She stroked his fur and watched Esmeray carefully. She had a feeling Roy still affected Esmeray.

"A way out. That's what I saw." Esmeray blew out a sigh and crossed her arms, being careful with her still-healing one. She couldn't afford to reinjure it anytime soon. "But it's over now so it doesn't matter."

Cora nodded in agreement. Besides, this was the sixties. Everywhere you looked folks were hooking up to hit it and quit it or marrying and separating. Her attention focused on the ring on Esmeray's finger and raised a slim brow. "Still gonna wear the ring?"

Esmeray snorted and straightened out a wrinkle in her red and white polka dotted dress. "Why the hell not? Keeping it on would keep most of the men away."

"True. . .but what if it kept you from finding someone else?" Cora questioned, toying with Snowball's ears while he blinked sleepily.

"I don't know if I want anyone else," Esmeray admitted before chewing on her bottom lip. She rubbed her arm absentmindedly as her green eyes slightly unfocused before refocusing on Cora. "What about you and, and. . . the Mexican? Whatever his name is."

"Pietro. He's Italian, not Mexican," Cora corrected with an airy laugh. She glanced away for a moment as her cheeks grew a soft pink. "We're. . . . Well, we're steady."

A grin parted Esmeray's lips and she slid Cora a look. "So y'all are courting now, huh?"

"N-no," Cora stammered with florid cheeks. She gave herself a moment get ahold of herself before she met Esmeray's amused stare. "We're just lovers."

Esmeray's brows rose and she slightly cocked her head. Her grin turned into more of a smirk. So Cora and Pietro had that kind of relationship. Now she understood why Cora was so blushy. "Ah, I see."

"Mmhmm," Cora hummed, the soft noise almost being drowned out as an engine revved loud and proud outside before settling to a smooth purr. She shifted and craned her neck to look out the window. "Wow. Wonder what he wants?"

Esmeray stood up partially and peered out the window. Her mouth gaped softly as her eyes took in a slick shiny black SS Mustang with a sleek scoop on the hood. The guy who stepped out of the sexy beast of a car was just as appealing. Her eyes took in everything from his thick black hair to his worn black leather jacket, white t-shirt, faded jeans, and scuffed black boots.

"Don't drool, Esme," Cora teased as she gently pushed Esmeray back down in her chair. "After all, you don't want anyone. Remember?"

"Oh I remember," Esmeray assured as she stood up. She walked toward the pale yellow kitchen resolutely, the sound of Snowball's toenails clicking on the tile echoed behind her as the dog followed her. Now was not the time to be distracted by sexy cars and dashing males. "I'm gonna make some hot chocolate."

"Do make enough for our guest," Cora said as a knock sounded against the door. After calling Snowball back to the living room, she opened the door with a bright smile. Her eyes met friendly brownish hazel ones. "Come on in, Tobias. Make yourself at home."

Tobias scooted his feet agaisnt the wicker doormat to make sure he wouldn't track in mud before stepping fully inside the house. "Thanks Cora."

Esmeray momentarily stilled as she heard that undeniably slow gravel tone of a masculine voice. The loud burbling of the boiling water snapped her out of whatever the hell got ahold of her. She grabbed the handle of the small boiler and poured the water into two separate mugs with the hot chocolate mix at the bottom. She listened as Cora and this Tobias person made small talk while she grabbed two spoons and made quick work of mixing the powder with the hot water.

"What brought you here?" Cora asked as she lounged on the couch and Snowball hopped up beside her.

Tobias rested in the chair that Esmeray had been in previously. He shifted and leaned back, resting his hands against his crotch. "Saw Pietro earlier and I was heading through here so figured I'd stop by to see how you are."

"Aww well that's sweet of you." Cora glanced up from Tobias to see Esmeray taking her lovely sweet time with the hot chocolate. She turned her gaze back to Tobias and gave a light laugh. "So where'd you get your car?"

"From a friend. And no, I didn't steal it," Tobias answered with a grin. His eyebrows slightly rose and he leaned forward in the chair. "But he might've."

Cora slapped her forehead and shook her head. "Toby when are you gonna learn?"

"Never." He chuckled as Esmeray made her way back from the kitchen with a steaming mug in each hand. He noticed the way the polkadotted dress fit her torso before flaring at her hips. He watched the soft sway of her hips before the sound of Cora clearing her throat forced him to focus. What the hell was wrong with him?

"Here ya go," Esmeray said as she handed Tobias a cup of the creamy hot chocolate. "Careful it's hot."

"Yes ma'am," Tobias acknowledged, taking the cup and looking into Esmeray's beautiful face. She was so beautiful, but she was taken. He wasn't an idiot. He'd seen the silver of the ring on her finger. For some reason, the thought irked him but he smiled at her anyway. "Thank you Mrs. . . ?"

"Miss Dixon. Esmeray Dixon," Esmeray provided with a friendly smile. She had to keep herself from laughing at the look of shock that gripped Tobias's face at her words. "But please, call me Esmeray."

"Esmeray," Tobias repeated with a nod and a smile. "I'm Tobias Matheson."

"Everyone usually calls him Toby," Cora piped up, watching the two with a matchmaking gleam in her eyes. It seemed her job was cut out for her since they already had an all-too-obvious attraction.

Tobias chuckled as he watched Esmeray walk to the couch and sit beside Cora. The way her body moved held him mesmerized in ways he didn't understand. He tilted his head as his eyes trailed the soft curvature of her full naturally red lips. "I get called a lot of things. It just depends on who you ask."

Esmeray blew into her cup too cool her cocoa off before sipping some. She smiled at Tobias, thoroughly curious about him. "You sound like an interesting man, Tobias."

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Tobias asked playfully, a slightly mischievous sparkle in his eyes.

Cora snorted with a laugh, her head tilting to the side as she looked between both of them. "Who wouldn't?"

Esmeray laughed and shook her head as she quickly finished off her hot chocolate. She stood up and made her way to the sink to put it off, her dress brushing against the arm of the chair Tobias sat in.

Tobias couldn't help but watch Esmeray's walk as she passed his chair. He felt the soft whoosh of air and the soft touch of the fabric of her dress. He bit his lip and tilted his head to continue to watch her for a moment more before Cora caught his attention.

"Don't worry about that ring," Cora advised with a nod at Esmeray. She grinned and relaxed against the couch. "It doesn't mean anything. Go get her, tiger."

Tobias chuckled with a smirk. Oh, he was gonna get her alright. As long as the ring didn't bind her, then there was no one to get in his way.

𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒐 𝑼𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now