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The judge peered at the papers on the podium through his misty round spectacles. He glanced up over his glasses rims with a bored expression. "Mr. Matheson, you are charged with grand theft auto. How do you plead?"

"Guilty, Your Honor," Tobias spoke up from where he stood in front of the scarred wood table below the judge's platform. He glanced down at his black and white striped jumpsuit with a grimace. He'd already been stripped and searched and all he wanted to do was get on with this.

"Then you are hearby sentenced to five years without chance of parole," the judge stated flatly with a shake of his graying head. "Bailiff, take him away."

Tobias ducked his head to hide a relieved grin. He already knew he'd be going to jail it was just that all the sitting and waiting to be told his sentence was a hassle. Why couldn't the system be a lot more speedy or easier? He kept a docile demeanor like some calm bull as the bailiff handed him over to the standby police officer who in turn walked him out and shoved him into some ragged old grayish black vehicle that might've one day in times past been called a bus. He carefully walked further inside, half of him scared that the rusted roof would fall in at any second. He took his place on a rotted seat beside a babyfaced guy with orangish red hair and fair skin.

The ginger cracked a lopsided grin as Tobias took a seat. "Big ol' ray of sunshine ain't she?"

"Who?" Tobias questioned with a tilt of his head. He'd been in this bus before, and this wouldn't be his first ride to the Eastham Prison Farm, but this guy he was sitting with was unfamiliar and obviously not all right in the head. "Who are you anyway?"

"Black Bess. This ol' hunk of metal were sitting in," the guy answered, slapping the inside wall of the bus solidly. He chuckled and sighed before leaning back into the seat, shifting as one of the springs jabbed between his shoulder blades. He glanced at Tobias and smiled. "Name's Ralph Fults. Yours?"

Tobias nodded in understanding. So that's what they called this hunk of metal. It was fitting, sorta. With all the grease and grime that coated the inside and the chipped and peeling black paint on the outside, the name Black Bess made some sense. He rubbed his face and settled against the seat, mindful of the loose springs. "Tobias Matheson."

"Aye, Matheson. Nice to meet ya." Ralph stuck out his freckled hand. "What got you here?"

"Same to you," Tobias returned as he shook Ralph's hand. He studied Ralph's pale freckle-spattered face before looking into his emerald eyes. Those eyes reminded him of Esmeray and he shook his head to clear his thoughts and focus. He couldn't afford to get homesick this quickly. There was five years he had to serve. "I stole a car. You?"

"I bloody killed a man!" Ralph exclaimed loudly and shrugged as the other prisoners in the bus stared at him. He chuckled and hunched forward, tilting his head. "Was an accident actually but the damn court don't believe it. Sentenced me to life."

"Damn," Tobias said softly. He couldn't image what Ralph must be feeling. He knew he'd lose his mind if he had to spend the rest of his life locked away never to see the light of day again. "I'm sorry."

Ralph chuckled as the last prisoner was shoved into the bus and the police officers stepped in. He shook his head, glancing out the filthy cracked window while Black Bess groaned and sputtered to life. "Don't be. The only thing you should be sorry for. . .is getting yourself into this hell."

And hell it was. Four weeks of doing manual labor around the farm, sleeping on a creaky metal bed, and dealing with a delusional cell mate had Tobias rethinking everything. Was the car really worth this? He ran his fingers through his hair as he sat on the edge of his cot. He loved the thrill, that's what had him hooked. It would be the death of him and he knew it.

A police officer walked stiffly up the hall, his shoes clacking loudly on the floor and drew the attention of every awake prisoner. He stopped at the iron bars that held Tobias and pulled out a keyring before singling out a keg and jamming it into the lock and turning it. "Come with me, Matheson. You have a visitor."

Tobias stepped out of the cell and held his wrists out for the cuffs he knew would be placed around them. He knew better than to try anything. In the four weeks he'd been here he'd seen the brutality brought about by such antics. He looked straight forward as the cuffs tightened around his wrists, his heart thudding in his chest as his wondered who wanted to see him.

The officer gripped Tobias's upper arm and pulled him along as they made their way back down the hallway with the eyes of the other prisoners watching their every move. They halted in front of a door and the officer let go of Tobias's arm before he reached for the cuffs. "Alrighty. You have two hours then I'll be back so y'all better be done when I return."

"Yessir." Tobias held up his arms again, rubbing his wrists once the officer uncuffed them. He had no idea what the officer meant but he wasn't about to question it. With a deep breath, he opened the door and walked in. He barely did register the soft click of the door locking behind him as his eyes swept the room before landing on Esmeray who sat on the edge of the small bed. "Esme!"

"Toby!" Esmeray froze for a moment before launching herself at Tobias and wrapping her arms around his neck. The last time she done this she could feel his leather jacket but this time it was the rough material of the striped jumpsuit. Tears stung her eyes as she buried her face into the side of his neck. "I've missed you so much."

Tobias wrapped his arms around her tightly, kissing the side of her head. He rubbed her back soothingly and held her close. "I know sweetheart. I've missed you too."

She lifted her face to look into his face but instead she met with a kiss so soft and sweet she melted agaisnt him. After a few long moments, he pulled back and she slowly opened her eyes. She hummed softly and blinked at him before sighing. "I came as soon as they'd let me."

"Thank you. It means more to me than you know," he stated earnestly, gently caressing her cheek with his thumb. "I'm gonna miss you so damn much in the next five years. Gosh."

"Not if I can get you out," she whispered softly, reaching up into her hair. She pulled out a bobby pin and pressed it into his palm before curling his fingers. She held his large calloused hand in both of hers and looked up at him.

They shared a look, and in that moment he knew exactly what she was telling him to do. If all went well, he wouldn't have to wait until she could visit him in prison because prison wouldn't even be in the picture.

𝑼𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍 𝑫𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑫𝒐 𝑼𝒔 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 | ✓Where stories live. Discover now