Bella and Lavinia sat outside the room. The STRIKE team was with them. Rumlow looked at them. He walks toward them.

"Hey. I'm sorry about what happened to Fury", Rumlow said.

"Thank you, Rumlow", Lavinia said. She looked at Bella, who was lost in her own thoughts. She looks back at Rumlow. "She's uh...she's going through a rough time right now. The nightmares and now loose Fury. I mean, he was like her Uncle. I find it best not to talk to her right now".

Rumlow nodded in understanding. He walked away. "We shouldn't trust him", Bella finally spoke. "That dream is telling me something. It's warning me about something or someone. Rumlow is connected to that guy".

"Bella? What guy?" Lavinia asked.

"The guy I see in my dreams", Bella said.

"Are you sure it's not Dad?"

"I don't know! The guy just had a knife. That's all I know. It's not Rumlow because his hair isn't long. I'm clueless, I'm traumatized and I am worried about what this all means!" The lights began to flicker. Bella closed her eyes. The flickering stopped.

"It's okay, Bella", Lavinia said.

"No, it is not. Something's coming. I...I understand my powers. Something is waking up inside of me and it's eating me up. Meaning, it scares me, but you know what I mean. I've had this for a while, but I didn't understand them until now. I am seeing time. And when the time comes, I will see different scenarios of how it'll all go down", Bella said.

"What do you mean you're seeing time?" Lavinia asked.

"My dream is an image of the future. Whatever is coming, I'll be able to see how we'd win or how we'd loose. I've been having these mind control powers and these time and space powers. And when the Aether was inside of me, I think I absorbed some of it's powers", Bella rambled. " brain can't handle this. I think I'm going mad".

"You're not. You're not. It's okay. You have a rare gift, Bella. You're not going mad. I promise. Just rest. We'll talk about this later", Lavinia said. Bella laid her head on her shoulder. Steve and Natasha came out of the room.

"Natasha", Steve said.

Natasha turned around to look at Steve. "Why was Fury in your apartment?" Natasha asked. Lavinia and Bella looked at Steve in shock.

"He was in your apartment? Why?"Lavinia asked.

"I don't know", Steve said.

Rumlow walked towards them. "Cap, they want you back at S.H.I.E.L.D", he said.

"Yeah, give me a second", Steve said.

"They want you now", Rumlow said. Bella glared at him.

"Okay", Steve said. Rumlow walked away, but Bella still glared at him.

"You're a terrible liar", Natasha said to Steve. She looked at Bella and Lavinia. "Let's go".

"She's right. If you're going to lie, at least be good at it", Lavinia says. She and Bella follow Natasha. Bella looked back at Steve.


Natasha, Lavinia and Bella got into the car. Natasha looked at Bella. "Are you okay, Bella? You look pale",Natasha said.

"Bella told me something while we were in the hospital. She said her dream is the future. Bella believes that she's seeing time. Whatever battle we're about to face, Bella will see different scenarios on how we'd win or loose", Lavinia explained.

"So she can see Time and Space?"Natasha asked.

"And apparently she has mind powers. Along with the Aether's powers", Lavinia said. "She needs to rest right now".

"Bella has had this for as long as I can remember. It's hard to raise a child with superpowers without anyone finding out. Me and Clint couldn't tell Fury. It was our secret", Natasha said.

"She told me. When we first met",Lavinia says. "She has a rare gift. It's special, but also dangerous".


Lavinia was in the kitchen. She sat at the table with Natasha. They both heard screaming. Bella's screaming. They got up and ran to her room.

Lavinia opened the door to Bella's room. "Hey, hey, hey. Bella. Bella, it's just a dream. Wake up!" Natasha said.

Bella woke up with a gasp. "We have to go back to the hospital. S.H.E.I.L.D is compromised. The only person we can trust is Steve", Bella said.

"Wait, what? Bella, what did you see?"Lavinia asked.

"The-The STRIKE team. They were there. Me, you, Mom, Steve and a man that I didn't recognize, we were there. They were pointing guns at our heads",Bella said.

"That's why Fury was at his apartment. To warn him", Natasha said.

"This man that you didn't recognize, what did he look like?" Lavinia asked.

Bella got out of bed and grabbed her sketchbook. She sat down on the bed. She grabbed a pencil off her nightstand. She drew a sketch of what the man looked like.

The man was wearing a suit. He had a beard and short hair. "Is he good or bad?" Lavinia asked.

Bella puts her left thumb next to her right eye, meaning he was good. "So we can trust him?" Natasha asked.

"We're going to run into a situation where we'll have to trust him", Bella said. "I looked into Steve's mind. He put a flash drive into a vending machine at the hospital. I think Fury gave it to him".

"Then we need to get there", Lavinia said.

"If we leave in 3 minutes, we'll arrive at the hospital at the same time as Steve", Bella said as she stood from the bed.

"Then we should leave in 2", Natasha said before she walked out of the room.

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