Jean found Peter, Gamora, Rocket and Groot. She ran towards them. They looked at her as she approached them.

"Jean", Peter said.

"You still have..." Jean started before she was cut off by Gamora.

"We need to give this to the Nova Corps, Jean. It holds something really powerful and it'll only be safe with them", Gamora explained. Jean nodded in understanding.

"Guys, Drax did something... terrible. He-" Before Jean continued, she heard ships arriving. She turned around to see Ronan's ships arriving.

"At last! I shall meet my foe and destroy him", Drax said.

"You called Ronan?" Peter asked.

"I was going to tell you about that",Jean said.


Peter and Jean saw Yondu and the Ravagers. Gamora ran away. Jean, Peter, Rocket and Groot followed them.

Peter, Gamora, Jean and Rocket got into the pod ships. Ronan's ships followed them. They flew around Knowhere. Ronan's ships shot at Gamora's.

"They know she has the orb", Jean said.

"Rocket, Jean, keep them off Gamora until she gets to the Milano", Peter said.

"How? We've got no weapons on these things", Rocket said.

"These pods are industrial grade. They're nearly indestructible".

"Not against netroblast, they're not",Rocket said.

"That's not what he's saying", Jean said.

Rocket rammed into one of the ships. The ship crashed into another and fell. Jean rammed into one of Ronan's ships. It crashed into a building.

Jean followed Gamora and Ronan's ships. Jean rammed into a ship. Her ship and one of Ronan's ships crashed.

Luckily, Jean's ship was able to get up.


"Quill, I'm trapped. I can't make it to the Milano. I have to head out",Gamora said.

"Wait, these pods aren't meant to go out there", Peter said. The four of them, along with Ronan's ships exit Knowhere.

"We need some kind of weapon. We can't destroy these ships by ourselves", Jean said.

"We don't have anything", Peter said.

"You stole one of their ships. Think of something before they-" Jean cuts off. She saw Gamora's ship explode. "Gamora!" Jean shouted. She, Peter and Rocket saw Ronan's army retrieve the orb. Tears fell down Jean's face as she saw Gamora floating in space.

"Quills, come on. Her body mods should keep her alive a couple more minutes, but there's nothing we can do for her. These pods aren't meant to be out here. In a second, we're gonna be in the same boat", Rocket said.

"We can't just leave her", Jean said as Rocket's pod turned to leave.

"Yondu! Yondu! This is Quill. My coordinates are 227K324", Peter said.

"Quill. Quill, what are you doing?"Rocket asked.

"Just outside Knowhere. If you're there, come get me. I'm all yours",Peter said.

"Peter, no! Don't do this! There has to be another way. Don't do this!" Jean begged. Peter flew towards Gamora.

"Quill, don't be ridiculous. Get back into your pod! You can't fit two people in there. You're gonna die. You'll die in seconds! Quill", Rocket said.

Peter puts his helmet on Gamora. Yondu's ship came and took Peter and Gamora away.

Tears fell down Jean's face. She couldn't believe she saw her brother get captured.

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