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(A/N) I bet ye didn't expect that to be Wilbur's dare to George did ye? I feel kind of evil for leaving it there but I think the cliff hanger was good for ye. (CW: Swearing, Mention of alcohol and vomiting, mention of mean parents)

Dream just turned to Wilbur with a shocked and disgusted look on his face even though he knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity to speak to be in close vicinity to George without people getting suspicious.

Sapnap looked at Wilbur with a face of triumphant shock knowing something good was about to happen.

"What the hell Wilbur, we literally only met this morning you dickhead" said George with a flustered and appalled look on his face. "I change my answer, I'll do truth instead!" George said clearly annoyed at the dare

"Okay then," Wilbur said disappointed his dare didn't work "Is it true you like someone in your geography class," Wilbur said slyly knowing that geography was the only class Dream and George shared together.

George looked around the room quickly, turning a light shade of pink before suddenly answering. "Yes, that would be true, Wilbur." George glared at Wilbur for asking such a thing

Dream suddenly felt a weird feeling in his stomach and didn't know what to do about it, he hadn't had this sensation before.

"Dream, why are you going red, are you okay?" Quackity asked.

"I think I'm going to get sick" Dream replied running to the bathroom and locking the door behind him.

"I wonder what's wrong with him?" asked George confused as Dream hadn't drunk any alcohol

"I don't know, drink probably got spiked or something," Minx said looking at Quackity slyly

"Oh my fucking god did you two spike Dreams drink?!?!?" George shouted at Minx and Quackity

"Possibly," they said slyly in unison

"Oh my god, you fucking dickheads" George shouted at them holding the bridge of his nose in frustration

"Why do you care that much, George?" Quackity asked with a sly knowing look on his face even though he was clearly drunk

"Because if we go back to our dorm I don't want him to puke all over the place," George said hoping his lie was convincing enough to throw them off the scent that he cared more then he should about Dream.

"Okay yeah that makes sense," Quackity said "Vomit is disgusting" he added

"Sapnap" George called "I need to talk to you, now" He said "Privately" he added glaring at Quackity and minx

They walked over to the kitchen table and made sure nobody was listening before they started talking.

"What do you need George? Are you okay?" Sapnap asked, worried that George was mad at them for something

"I don't really know how to say this....." George said about to have a breakdown over telling his best friend his biggest secret

"I'm... uhm.... gay...." George blurted out before slapping his hand over his mouth in embarrassment.

"Okay," Sapnap said nonchalantly "I kinda already knew, it's not a big deal," he said

"How did you know?" George asked quietly

"When I've been your best friend for a few years it's kinda obvious dude," Sapnap said with the hint of a laugh in his voice

"Oh god, that's not good, do you think anyone else noticed?" George asked nervously, he was scared the others found out about his secret

"I think Wilbur has but I don't think the others have," Sapnap said trying to reassure George that his secret was safe and it didn't matter.

"Let's go back to the others before they get suspicious," George said

"Guys, Dream has been in the bathroom for a while, someone should go check on him," Niki said

"Sapnap you should go considering you know him the best out of all of us," Wilbur said

"Yeah good idea," George said knowing it was for the best for him and Dream to not be left in one room together, he'd probably have a heart attack if that happened

"I'll probably sleep at Quackitys house tonight to avoid Dream, I've slept at his house before when I was stressed about a crush so he shouldn't mind," George thought to himself, either way, they'd have to be in the dorm at the same time while he got his stuff to bring to Quackitys house

"Hey Wilbur, Do you have any Coke?" Tommy shouted over at him.

"WHICH KIND DO YOU WANT?!" Quackity shouted to the boy, all eyes darted to him

Ignoring Quackitys comment Wilbur shouted back "Yeah, there are two large bottles in the fridge"

"Tubbo!!! Get the Mentos!!!!" Tommy shouted

"Tommy!!!!!!!!! You better not do that in the house!!!!" Wilbur shouted

"Nah We're obviously fucking going outside you dumb bitch" Tommy said sarcastically while setting it up in Wilbur's kitchen

(Cut to Dream and Sapnap in the bathroom)

"Dude, are you alright?" Sapnap said after walking into the bathroom

"Sapnap, this may seem dumb but I need to tell you something and you must promise not to laugh," Dream said

"Okay tell me whatever it is and I promise to not tell anyone."

Dream just blurted it out before he could think of what he was doing "I'm bi" "Fuck, I shouldn't have told you that" Dream said in a sad voice as if he was about to cry

"No, no its fine, why would I care about your sexuality?" Sapnap asked confused as to why Dream was so worked up

"I don't really know it's just that you're the first person I've told other than my parents and they kind of kicked me out of the house after they found out," Dream said looking away from Sapnap

"Don't mind them, they just don't realise that love is love and they can't stop that" Sapnap said trying to comfort Dream

"Thank you Sapnap" Dream said giving him a small hug afterwards

"That actually leads to the next thing I have to tell you," Dream said seeming even more nervous to tell Sapnap whatever it was

"I think I like George, I know its stupid since we only just properly met but we share a class and for the whole time I've liked him-" He got cut off by Sapnap

"Calm down dude, you're rambling, you don't need to be worried about telling me this shit, friends tell each other this shit," Sapnap said

"Okay, Okay, sorry.." Dream said back

"We should go back to the others, they're getting worried," Sapnap said

They left the bathroom and Dream was relieved he had told someone his secret.

when they came out they were greeted with shouting from Wilbur directed at Tommy for exploding the Coke in his kitchen, they all burst out laughing at the situation that was going on around them and forgot anything they were worried about.

"Hey Sapnap, I think I'm gonna go back now" Dream said after actually having a few drinks and feeling a bit drunk

"Okay, be careful though," Sapnap said worried for his health

Dream got back from the party and just lay down on the bed and fell asleep still in his clothes.

(An hour and a half later)

Dream woke up to the sound of George coming back from the party.

Dream walked over to George and they sat down at the kitchen table and started talking until George went to get up from the table and go to bed.

Dream grabbed George's wrist to get him to come back and then suddenly kissed him.

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