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(CW) Mention of puke

Ranboo ran up to Tubbo and shook him to make sure he wasn't dead.

"WOAH, WHY ARE YOU SHAKING ME LIKE I HAD PASSED OUT OR SOMETHING?!?" Tubbo shouted because he was startled.

"Because I thought you were dead or something" Ranboo replied, relief clear in his voice.

"Oh, sorry, I just got really sick and needed to lay down and didn't notice you walking in, I think I got food poisoning or something" Tubbo said trying to reassure Ranboo that there was nothing wrong and he was fine.

"But I cooked dinner, how did you get it and I didn't? everything was done at the same time" Ranboo asked considering he was with Tubbo the whole time.

"I had left a glass of orange juice in the fridge before we left to go to Tommy's, maybe it had gone of before I put it in or something?" Tubbo shrugged, passing it off as nothing.

That's when it hit Ranboo, Techno could've poisoned the orange juice knowing Ranboo hated orange juice and only Tubbo would drink it.

Ranboo decided to keep an eye on Tubbo until he felt better and had to end up canceling their plans with Tommy because of how Tubbo was feeling.

(Tommy's POV [actually his thoughts this time] ^^^)

"Wow Ranboo seriously cancelled our plans today, I guarantee that Tubbo isn't sick and he's just gonna tell Tubbo that I cancelled or something just so he can spend the day with Tubbo himself, I hope with the addition of this new guy that Tubbo won't replace me for him and I'll be left without a best-friend" Tommy thought to himself after reading Ranboos message.

"Hey, Tommy, me and Tubbo were really excited to go to the arcade with you but Tubbo's after getting sick and we unfortunately can't come anymore, Sorry" was what Ranboo sent in his message to Tommy, little did he know, everything he said was the truth.

(Dream's perspective)

George had just woken up and they were just talking while sitting on the couch until George got an urgent message.

"Hey, Dream, I'll be right back" George said while grabbing a glass of orange juice from the fridge while walking out to take the call.

While George had left to go call whoever messaged him, Dream got up and started baking cookies for George. He hoped George wouldn't be too long because then they could do it together.

(Sapnap's perspective)

Sapnap and karl were at Sapnap's house talking while sitting on the couch watching Madagascar because it was on the tv at the time until Karl got a call from his service provider that seemed urgent.

"I have to take this, I'm so sorry" Karl said grabbing his glass of orange juice of the coffee table in front of the couch while going to take the call.

While Karl was gone Sapnap decided to message Dream as he hadn't talked to him in a while and wanted to check in on him and see if he had made any progress telling George his feelings little did he know that they had been together since a while before he had confided in Dream about his feelings for Karl.

(Aurelias perspective)

Aurelia and Niki were in the middle of a long hug because Aurelia had to have a separate meeting without the others with Techno to discuss something about the kidnapping plans but little did he know that she and Ranboo had been feeding him false information so that they might have the upper hand when he kidnapped the victim and be able to help the others.

Just after Aurelia left Niki got a glass of orange juice from the freezer because she wanted it to be cold faster.

After Aurelia left Niki had her glass of orange juice then walked outside and went cloud gazing.

(Badboyhalos perspective)

Bad and Skeppy were at a bowling alley that had an arcade connected to it while it was Bads turn to throw the ball at the pins Skeppy said "Hey, Bad I think I'm gonna get some orange juice from the food and drinks area" Bad just responded with a sweet "Alright, be careful" and a smile.

Once Skeppy came back Bad just had the instinct to ask him "Did that cashier say anything to you?" Bad just got a weird gut feeling, the dude looked really shady.

"No, why do you ask?" Skeppy replied confusion clear in his voice.

"The dude just looked really shady, that's all" Bad responded with relief in his voice that nothing bad had happened.

In the end, Bad ended up losing 100-93 to Skeppy as he missed a few shots while making sure the cashier didn't do anything nefarious.

(Quackity's perspective)

Quackity and minx were on their way to see a movie before Quackity had his shift at the restaurant.

"Two tickets for the new Wonder Woman movie please" Quackity said with an unusually nice tone to his voice.

"Alright, would you two like any food or drinks?" The cashier asked politely.

"Yeah, can I have an orange juice and a packet of chips as you call them here, please?" Minx said holding back a laugh at the stupid name for crisps that Americans have.

"Can I have a sprite and some chocolate, please?" Quackity said having some sort of questioning tone in his voice.

The cashier handed them the food and drinks and they payed then he gave them their tickets so they could see the movie.

[A/N] Thank you all so f-ing much for the support on this book, I really appreciate it, I know I said this in announcements but only followers see that so I'll say it here too, IF I MAKE IT TOO 100 FOLLOWERS I'LL FACE REVEAL

And one more thing, go follow these amazing authors and amazing people in general. -pickboo, bunny_cxlem, -cuddlee, -averbee and -RANBOOZ please and thank you

This wasn't proof read.

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