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"If I told you that I loved you Tell me,what would you say? If I told you that I hated you Would you go away?" the voice sang out at the bar Sakusa went to once a week.

The voice was beautiful, it had a sort of type to it that Sakusa hadn't heard before, a new singer maybe?

Looking around, Sakusa let his eyes fall on an unknown person who was on the stage singing through the microphone.

Holy shit, Sakusa thought.

The male had blonde hair with an undercut that was brown, I assumed it was his natural hair color. His eyes where this brown color, and Sakusa may be being a little dramatic but he swore they sparkled a little bit when they made eye contact.

"Now I need your help with everything thing that I do I don't wanna lie, I've been relying on you" the singer continued, but this time he let his eyes wander all over Sakusa. Sakusa could feel his breath speed up and his heart felt like it was in his throat. After a little while the singer looked away and Sakusa felt like he could breath again, but he missed the others stare on him.

"Swim with me, I think I can see the beach, I know what's underneath, I need you hear with me but we're out in the open" He sang as he got to the bridge of the song. Sakusa couldn't look away, he couldn't look away until the singer finished up the song.

"I hope I don't murder me, I hope I don't burden you, if I do if I do.."

As the singer ended the song, claps and cheers could be heard from all areas of the bar. Some people even threw flowers towards the stage, the blonde picked them up and said a quick thank you, then left the stage.

Sakusa couldn't help but wonder who this blonde was. As he was caught in his thoughts he felt a tap on his shoulder, looking up he saw the ,now familiar and not unknown, blonde looking at him with a soft smile spread across his lips.

"Hey, I saw ya staring at me while I was singing and I thought why not say hi to ya" the blonde spoke with an accent that couldn't be heard when he was singing

"I wasn't staring.." Sakusa replied, which made the blonde chuckle a little. "I'm Atsumu, Miya Atsumu" he said as he held out a hand. Sakusa looked at the hand and hesitently shook it, Sakusa had gloves on so it wasn't that much contact.

"I'm Kiyoomi Sakusa" he said letting go of the others hand "Well Omi, buy me a drink? It's the least ya can do after all that staring, yer almost gave me heart attack having yer pretty eyes stare down at me the entire song"

Sakusa rolled his eyes at the new nickname, he called over the bartender and they order drinks.

"So Omi-Omi, did ya like my singing?" He said as he sipped his drink from a plastic straw. Sakusa just nodded and drank his own drink, "you don't talk much do ya? And I couldn't help but notice your gloves and the mask looped around your ear, are you sick?" Sakusa glared at him and sighed.

"I'm not sick" he replied as he finished his drink up and pulled his mask back over his nose and mouth, "hm..are ya one of those people who are really famous so they gotta wear a mask so nobody recognizes them?" Sakusa took a deep breath in and just mentally face palmed.

"It's to AVOID getting sick Miya" Atsumu tilted his head in confusion, "so are ya one of those germaphobe peoples? And don't call me Miya, I have a twin brother so it gets confusing"

"But I don't know your twin, so why would it make a difference, Miya." He said as he exaggerated the word "Miya" the blonde just scowled at him and huffed out in defeat.

"Fine Omi Omi, what brings you to this bar?" Sakusa, again, rolled his eyes at such a stupid question, "It's a bar Miya, I'm here to drown my sorrows in liquor, what else would I be doing here?"

"I guess you got a point.."

Sakusa didn't reply, he just stood up and went to go but was stopped by a hand grabbing his arm. "What?" He said as he looked back at the blonde with slight annoyance in his eyes.

"Am I allowed to ask for yer number?" Sakusa sighed as he pulled out his phone, he typed his number into Atsumu's phone and left the bar.

As Sakusa arrived back to his apartment, he heard his phone ding.

Hey hey hey it's Atsumu, the one from the bar

No shit really?

That's not very nice Omi, you should use kinder words, more people will like you that way.

Sakusa just rolled his eyes and out his phone down, he did his nightly routine of taking a shower, doing laundry, then plopping in his bed and letting sleep take over his tired body.

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