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The next morning Atsumu woke up in a cold sweat, he sprung up from where he laid on kitas chest. His breathing was disoriented and he felt like he'd just been falling indefinitely.

"You okay?" A scratchy voice said from beneath him "oh uh yeah, just a nightmare!" He lied through his teeth. Kita hummed and pulled Atsumu back down into a warm comfort.

He didn't technically lie but he technically did. It wasn't all a bad dream but it's not something he wanted to talk about.

Tsumus dream

"Tsumu!!! Wake up your crushing me with your fat ass!" A voice spoke up. He didn't wake though, he just cuddled in deeper to whatever was underneath him, that was until he was pushed off the bed and landed on the cold hard floor with a very loud thunk.

"Hey what the hell!!"  He said as he sat up from where he'd fallen and rubbed his head.

"I told you you where crushing me!! And I had to pee, if I laid there any longer I would've pissed my pants dumbass." He heard the other get up from the bed and run to the bathroom.

Standing up himself he looked around, this wasn't his bed, this wasn't the bed he shared with Kita every night. This wasn't his house even, but the room looked familiar as he scanned it. The other returned and rolled his eyes at the sight of Atsumu still rubbing his head from the hard fall earlier.

"Don't be so dramatic Miya, I didn't even push you that hard."

"It hurt though, the beds like a billion feet off the ground!!"

"Oh shush up" the other said as they walked over, which gave Atsumu a clear vision of who it was.

"Omi?" He said, his voice catching in his throat and him beginning to get nervous and flustered.

"What? You look like you've seen a ghost Miya calm down."

"Don't be so cold to me Omi! Why am I here?? I haven't seen you since last night, I tried texting you and you didn't answer. Why??"  He asked, clearly to Sakusa he was insane.

"What the hell are you going on about Atsumu? I swear sometimes...did you really hit your head that hard??" He replied as he walked over to Atsumu and put a hand on the back his head. His head stung from the contact so he pulled back immediately, leaving Sakusa with a worried look. "Hey what's up with you are you okay?"

"M' fine Omi" After he said that, his dream went white.

Next time his dream was a different scene, now he was in what looked like a hospital room, one he knew too well.

"Samu..?" He quietly spoke as he saw his twin laying down in the boring bed. He hadn't seen his brother in a while, after the accident everyone thought it was best if Atsumu stayed away, he never understood why. It was his brother, they had always been by each other's sides but now Osamu was nearly on his death bed and Atsumu wasn't allowed to see him. I guess he could see why, it would destroy Atsumu seeing his brother in tubes and hooked up to monitors, not being able to have a two sided conversation with him.

I guess some context would be nice, but now wasn't the time.

He looked at his brother again but this time his brothers eyes where gauged out and his face was covered in blood. He was facing him.

"Samu what- SAMU?!" He was terrify, backing away he went to run out the room but he couldn't. The door was blocked, he was stuck. Osamu, or whatever it was, got up and started making its way towards Atsumu. "SAMU STOP!!" He yelled as his brother finally got to him and started violently shaking him. The thing didn't listen though, it just shook him and shook him.

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