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"Vacancy was lit, the guests where checking in, the concierge was cold. The water pipes had mold all over them" as Atsumu was singing he looked throughout the crowd for that familiar face, but just like the past month, it wasn't there. Sighing, he just continued the song.

"The room was fit for two, the bed was left in ruins, the neighbor was knocking yeah but no one would let him in" Atsumu finished the first verse then moved into the hook which was also sang by Hinata, Hinata had a voice of an angel. It was no doubt that he should be the lead singer, but everyone agreed for Atsumu to sing lead for some unknown reason.

Atsumu just wanted the song to be over, his voice was strained due to over practicing and he was tired. He finally got a small break once they got to the bridge which was then sang by Bokuto "she sought death on a queen-sized bed, and he had said "darling your looks can kill" so now, he's dead"

Getting through the rest the song, Atsumu sang the last verse alone, bringing the song to an end which was followed by a round of applause "Make me feel like I am breathing, feel like I am human, again." 

Taking a small rose from someone in the front row of the crown, Atsumu smiled and made his way to the back of the stage and stumbled to a nearby chair. Having to take several breaths in and drink two full bottles of water, Atsumu sighed and felt like himself somewhat again.

"Tsumu, maybe we should cancel the rest the concerts? You don't seem to be doing well, are you overworking yourself again?" A voice said to him as he felt a hand against his cheek.

Looking up he smiled, Kita.

"I'm okay Kita, really" It wasn't a lie no, but wasn't entirely the truth. Atsumu had so many concerts lately it felt like his lungs where breaking little by little each time he had to speak or sing. But he was fine, he knew he had the willpower to push through it.

"Okay tsumu...but if what happened last time happens again I'll personally kick your ass alright?" Kita said as he caressed Atsumu's cheek, smiling up at him he let himself fall into the feeling of Kita's soft and delicate hands against him.

"Let's go home, bo and hinata already left it's just us now" Kita said as he held his hand out for Atsumu to grab, taking it, he walked with Kita.

He was happy, but his mind couldn't help but race back to the familiar character of Kiyoomi Sakusa. He thought about the way his body felt against his as they lay, or how Sakusa would get annoyed at Atsumu easily but never showed any seriousness in his "aggressive" responses to the annoyance. Him and Sakusa only ever met twice, twice. But he felt so familiar that he couldn't help but crave more and more of him each day. He always had an urge to message him, but his only insecurities caused him to back out each time, instead, he'd stare at the blank screen of his phone as he hoped maybe Sakusa could somehow sense he wanted to talk and would message him first, but that message never came.

Kita and Atusmu made their way outside the bar and down the street but where stopped by a familiar face looking at him.

"Sakusa?" A tsumu asked the face "Hey tsumu...who's this?" Sakusa replied as he shook his head towards Kita.

"Oh, this is Kita, we where just heading home. I didn't know you where coming today, it's been two months since we last hung out.." atsumu said as he looked down and then back to Kita.

"Yeah I just thought you where busy, I didn't want to bother you or anything"

Atsumu sighed "are you okay? You look like you've been crying."

"Yeah uh, just a..friend of mine and I got into this stupid fight and It didn't really end well I guess, but I should get going you guys look tired anyways" Sakusa said and he started walking off. Atsumu wanted to stop him but he didn't really know how to comfort someone, he never learned how to. Sighing, he and Kita walked to their car and made their way home.


Hey, are you sure your okay?
Delivered at 1:03 am

I'm here for you, I hope you know that
Delivered at 3:09 am

I just, idk I was gonna keep contact with you I'm sorry I didn't Omi. I got caught up with so much, I just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you or anything. 
Delivered at 3:15 am

Omi  really, answer soon I just want to know if your okay, please?
Read at 4:17 am

Oh, I'get it M'sorry
Read at 4:20 am

Atsumu was stumped, he never had to do these things. It was more as people comforting him and not the other way around. That's why him and Kita fit together like puzzle pieces, Kita was caring, took care of Atsumu no matter what. Back in highschool Atsumu had the BIGGEST crush on Kita, Kita had always shown those feelings back. So come the time for Atsumu to graduate, Kita of course went to the graduation even though he'd already graduated the year before. Kita wanted to give Atsumu the best gift he could because after years of being the closest friends, he wanted to give him more. So he asked him out and things went on from there. It took them a year to actually start dating because Atsumu was afraid of the commitment that came with a relationship. But now they've been together for four years, and they where happy.

But that's just it, Atsumu was happy but he always constantly felt like he needed one more special thing in his life, yes him and Kita where a puzzle. But maybe that puzzle was shifting, wasn't correct anymore, maybe they needed to find new puzzle pieces. But Atsumu couldn't do that, he couldn't bring himself to leave Kita because he didn't want to. He didn't know what that would bring to him after, he didn't like the unknown and constantly had to have things planned. Breaking up was an unknown plan, it could end different ways. Plus, what if Atsumu was wrong and Kita really was his special puzzle piece, then he would've thrown it away and wouldn't get it back.


"What is it tsumu?"

"Do ya- do ya think we're doing okay? That this is really us?" Kita thought for a minute before speaking again "I think it's always unknown tsumu, we can't be for sure that this is really us. It's what is happening now that matters, we're happy right? We don't have to worry about tomorrow or years from now. We're okay now, that's what's important, I love you tsumu okay? Don't let your worries get the best of you. You know if you have things you want to let out then you can talk to me."

"I love ya too Kita" Atsumu said as he got closer to Kita and cuddled into his chest "m' just scared, I don't want to be left again like...like with 'samu- I miss him."

"I know, have you...visited yet?" Kita said, slightly holding in clear tears.

"Suna- suna told me it wouldn't be a good idea. He keeps me updated, but he said it's getting worse. Having me there could bring 'samu back to the start and all this would have been for nothing- it's not fair. It's not fair at all, I should be allowed to see m' own brother, he'd want me there if..if he remembered me ya know?? It's my own doing he's in this mess anyway" Atsumu was crying now, he missed his brother and the thought of him brings him to tears Everytime.

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